The Angels are filing their expense reports when the Commander informs them that the Milfeulle who has been with them all this time is a fake. The Commander has her arrested and shows the official profile of Milfeulle with an old and wrinkled face. The other Angels believe this was a mistake and try to free the imprisoned Milfeulle. As they successfully get Milfeulle free, another Milfeulle shows up. Vanilla does a DNA analysis and finds out she is the real Milfeulle. Milfeulle also explains that she had measles on the day of photo, resulting in such photo. The other angels realized they let the fake Milfeulle escape. The fake Milfeulle thanks them for freeing her and informs that there are other Angel imposters around.
ミルフィーユはニセモノだった?! 軍事スパイ重罪。拘束され連行されるミルフィーユ。しかしエンジェル隊のメンバーはミルフィーユを信じて救出に向かう……。そして判明するニセエンジェル隊の存在と驚愕の事実!!