Aarch resigns as the coach of The Snow Kids so he can spend his time with Adium. Rocket moves from being a player to being the new coach of the Snow Kids. Maya and Tia's father, the ambassador, go and visit Sinedd's parents. They reveal he is alive and that the people who stole their identities are in prison. The second semifinal takes place between Team Paradisia and the Elektras. The Elektras use the wave to get an early 1:0 lead, but Paradisia's speed proves to be too much in the second half. After a 1:1 Halftime draw the twin cyborgs, Nikki 4 and Nina 8, each score in the second half and set up a championship match between Team Paradisia and The Snow Kids. In an effort to strengthen their team and their chances of winning, Rocket visits Sineed and asks him to rejoin the Snow Kids. After meeting with Rocket, Sinedd is thinking about the offer when Maya approaches him and asks him to listen to her. Meanwhile Lord Phoenix contacts Vega to make an arrangement, meet with him and make him rich or else he will expose all of Team Paradisia's secrets. The real intent is to draw Harris out and stop his ambitious plan permanently.
Aarch, ENTRAÎNEUR, et Addim, présidente de le Ligue, entament une liaison amoureuse qui devient publique, suite aux indiscrétions du paparazzi Cyclope. Cela risque d'entraîner des doutes sur la neutralité de la Coupe. Aarch décide dès lors de quitter son poste d'entraineur et choisit Rocket pour le remplacer. Magnus fait chanter Harris et Vega, les menaçant de révéler la véritable nature androïde des joueuses de Team Paradisia. De son côté, Maya part avec le père de Tia sur la frontière 17 pour rencontrer les vrais parents de Sinedd. Celui-ci ressemble comme deux gouttes d'eau à son père, et a désormais une petite sœur nommée Sonja. Rocket demande à Sinedd de rejoindre les Snow-kids pour la finale contre Team Paradisia.
Nachdem Aarch aus Liebe zu Addim seinen Trainerposten aufgegeben hat, schlägt er Rocket als seinen Nachfolger vor. Magnus erpresst Harris und Vega und droht, die wahre Identität der Team Paradisia-Spieler aufzudecken. Der Botschafter und Maya treffen Sinedds wahre Familie. Und im Halbfinale stehen sich die Elektras und Team Paradisia gegenüber. (Text: Sky)
Dopo che Aarch ha rinunciato al suo posto di allenatore per amore di Addim, propone Rocket come suo successore. Magnus ricatta Harris e Vega e minaccia di scoprire la vera identità dei giocatori del Team Paradisia. L'ambasciatore e Maya incontrano la vera famiglia di Sinedd. E in semifinale, The Elektras e Team Paradisia si affrontano.