Miaka reads about the constellations of the four gods again and is again confused, but Aono Tomo distracts her by asking her to come to his house to study later. Tamahome’s master find him and releases him from the illusion he was under when he was thrown from the cliff. As Miaka and Tomo pass the library, Miaka feels like something important happened there and tries to figure it out, but Tomo distracts her with a promise of cake. Miaka discovers the cake was a lie and is distracted again by the library, which she can see from Tomo’s window. He distracts her by kissing her. When she is about to give herself to him, she is confused by something she cannot remember. She remembers going into the library with Yui and going into an old book. Tomo tells her that is was just a dream but she continues to remember what happened and breaks the illusion (but is still trapped in it). Tomo has to use all of his life force to keep Miaka trapped and Amiboshi uses this opportunity to break free. He gives his strength to Miaka using his flute. She stabs Tomo in the mark on his forehead using the lucky pencil he gave her. Shin (the shell Tomo used to create illusions and trap Miaka) breaks and Miaka reappears. Amiboshi protects Miaka from Shin, but is defeated. When Tomo is about to kill him Suboshi arrives and kills Tomo. Amiboshi offers Suboshi forgetfulness leaves so that they may live in peace together. Suboshi pretends to accept them, says he loves Yui, and forces the leaves back on Amiboshi. Suboshi attacks Miaka in the same manner in which he thinks Yui was.
Alors que Miaka et Tomo passent devant la bibliothèque, Miaka a l'impression que quelque chose d'important s'est produit là-bas et essaie de le comprendre, mais Tomo la distrait en lui promettant un gâteau. Miaka découvre que le gâteau était un mensonge et est à nouveau distraite par la bibliothèque, qu'elle peut voir depuis la fenêtre de Tomo. Il la distrait en l'embrassant. Alors qu'elle est sur le point de se donner à lui, elle est troublée par quelque chose dont elle ne se souvient pas. Elle se souvient d'être entrée dans la bibliothèque avec Yui et d'avoir lu un vieux livre. Tomo lui dit que ce n'était qu'un rêve mais elle continue de se souvenir de ce qui s'est passé et brise l'illusion (mais elle y est toujours piégée). Il donne sa force à Miaka en utilisant sa flûte. Elle poignarde Tomo dans la marque sur son front en utilisant le crayon porte-bonheur qu'il lui a donné. Shin (la carapace que Tomo utilisait pour créer des illusions et piéger Miaka) se brise et Miaka réapparaît