Howard discusses the power of the all-in move. Then Howard, Jennifer Harman, Phil Ivey, Chris Ferguson, Layne Flack, and co-host Chris Rose in a roundtable discussion about common mistakes amateurs make at the poker table.
Howard discusses strategies to exploit your table position and avoiding pitfalls. Then Howard, Phil Gordon, Clonie Gowen, Daniel Negreanu and Phil Hellmuth provide invaluable advice on taking advantage of your poker-playing style on the felt.
Howard discusses strategies around handling small pairs. Then Howard, Jennifer Harman, Phil Ivey, Chris Ferguson and Layne Flack share their thoughts on knowing when to leave the table.
Howard Lederer, John Juanda, Erick Lindgren, Kristy Gazes and Barry Greenstein talk about tells, reading players and distinguishing the internet players from the live ones.
Howard discusses the situation where two hands are very similar and ways to manage it. Then Howard, John Juanda, Erick Lindgren, Kristy Gazes and Barry Greenstein debate who the number one poker player is and offer suggestions on utilizing a system to determine the best player in poker.
Howard discusses the strategy behind starting hands. Then Howard, Jennifer Harman, Phil Ivey, Chris Ferguson and Layne Flack talk about the impact of internet poker and the way they approach the game differently online.
Howard talks about the considerations required before making the bet. Then Lederer, Phil Gordon, Mike Matusow, Daniel Negreanu and Phil Hellmuth share their stories on the way they play in front of the cameras.
Howard discusses the math and calculations behind odds and outs, then Howard, Erik Seidel, David Grey, Annie Duke and Ted Forrest discuss the pros and cons of bringing sunglasses and headphones to the table.
Howard and Gus discuss their strategies behind some difficult decisions. Then Daniel Negreanu, Mike Matusow, Phil Helmuth, and Freddy Deeb talk about what was going on in their heads in interesting hands.
Howard Lederer, Jennifer Harman, Daniel Negreanu, Freddy Deeb, Phil Hellmuth, and Gus Hansen discuss the differences of Limit and No-Limit Holdem. Also Chris Rose talks with Phil Hellmuth.
Howard Lederer, Mike Matusow, Chris Ferguson, John D'Agostino, and Phil Hellmuth discuss picking the top poker player. Also Chris Rose talks with Howard Lederer and Dan Harrington.
Howard Lederer and Gus Hansen talk about leverage. Howard Lederer, Jennifer Harman, Daniel Negreanu, Freddy Deeb, and Gus Hansen give some advice on what it takes to turn pro. Howard Lederer and sister Annie Duke talk about growing up together.
Howard Lederer, Jennifer Harman, Daniel Negreanu, Freddy Deeb, and Gus Hansen talk about who they like to watch play poker. Chris Rose, Howard Lederer, and Phil Hellmuth talk about Phil’s new book “Play Poker Like the Pros”.
Howard Lederer, Annie Duke, Paul Phillups, Gavin Smith, and Phil Gordon talk about table image. Chris Rose, Howard Lederer, and Michael Craig talk about the book “The Professor, The Banker and the Suicide King”.
This show has several top pro’s talking about their bad beats. Howard Lederer, Mike Matusow, Chris Ferguson, Clonie Gowen and Phil Hellmuth are at the round table talking about bad beats.