Kaname und Tessa werden verschleppt. Sousuke, Kurz und Mao verfolgen natürlich sofort die Entführer und die Fahrt endet vor einem riesigen Containerschiff, wo sie dann aber auch von der Polizei umzingelt werden. Und das Schiff transportiert wohl nicht nur Container.
A21 has recovered Takuma and taken Kaname and Tessa hostage! The girls fear Sousuke may be in a bad way, but our intrepid Sergeant has managed to survive the RPG attack with just a few scratches. With Kurz and Mao now on the scene, priority shifts to retrieving the hostages and putting a stop to A21’s plans. A21 takes Kaname and Tessa back to the freighter where Lt. Kalinin is being held in order to use them to get Kalinin to tell them what he knows of the Lambda Driver. Imprisoned, Tessa laments over the situation, but takes courage from Kaname’s strength and resolve not to let it get her down.
Kaname and Tessa are taken to Lt. Kalinin at gunpoint, where they demand information about the Lambda driver or the girls will be shot. With a bit of deception and help from Tessa, the interrogator is subdued and the hostages move to make their escape, but first, they must confirm what lies in the ship’s cargo hold. This suspicion about the Clinton’s cargo is confirmed. A colossal AS with tremendous destructive power is anchored below deck. They have little time to gawk, as Seina, Takuma, and their guards confront the gang. Just as things about to turn bad, Sousuke and Kurz bust in and take the fight to the guards. They manage to wound Takuma, but its not enough to stop him from reaching the Behemoth’s cockpit.
Chidori et Tessa sont emmenées dans le repaire des terroristes qui se trouve être un bateau et sont utilisées afin d'obliger Kalinin à parler. Dans le même temps, Sousuke pars à leur poursuite avec Kurz et Mélissa et arrive finalement à leur repaire. Cependant, bien qu'il rejoignent Kalinin et les 2 jeunes filles, ils ne peuvent empêcher l'activation du Béhémoth, un gigantesque AS piloté par Takuma qui a pour mission de détruire la ville.
Mentre il maggiore Kalinin, immobilizzato a letto, ascolta la storia di Seina, che si rivela essere a capo del gruppo terroristico A-21, Sousuke, Kurz e Mao si mettono sulle tracce di Kaname e Teletha, che sono state portate via insieme a Takuma.
Scoperto che i terroristi sono nascosti su una nave da carico, Kurz e Sousuke vi salgono a bordo, mentre Kalinin riesce a liberarsi grazie all'aiuto di Teletha. Questa, prima di fuggire, decide di scendere sul fondo della nave per accertarsi di quanto stanno facendo i terroristi e con sua enorme sorpresa scopre che questi sono in possesso di un gigantesco Arm Slave.
A21 ha recuperado a Takuma y ha secuestrado a Kaname y Tessa. Souske y el resto del equipo va en su rescate.
Chidori e Tessa são levadas! A equipe segue o sinal transmitido pela pulseira de Chidori para encontrá-las, mas ao chegar ao destino, são cercados pelas autoridades.