Ji-eun tries to talk to Young-jae about their relationship but her efforts are unsuccessful. Young-jae's father finds out Ji-eun married his son for money. He asks her to leave/end the relationship. Grandmother won't forgive Ji-eun. She asks Young-jae for a divorce. She says Young-jae doesn't know how to love/care/protect someone. When Young-jae asks her if Min-hyuk can take care/love her, she says yes. Thinking he has nothing else to offer Ji-eun, Young-jae sets her free and gives her a divorce. Hye-won tells Ji-eun Young-jae is in love with Ji-eun.
智恩发现英宰并没有搬出去很高兴。民赫来找智恩,英宰开门后却谎称智恩不在,让智恩很生气。英宰看着智恩和民赫聊得很投机的样子心里很不是滋味。民赫要带智恩出去,英宰却以要智恩做饭为由让智恩留下,没想到智恩最后竟答应了英宰这个无理的要求。 英宰的父亲也看到了报导,跑来找两人质问,并让智恩离开英宰。智恩跑去求奶奶的原谅,可是奶奶根本不想见她,让智恩非常难过。 智恩告诉英宰和他在一起很痛苦,英宰决定放弃智恩,让她去寻找自己的幸福。 智恩告诉惠媛她和英宰就要分手了,惠媛却对智恩说,其实英宰真正喜欢的人是智恩。 英宰搬了出去,并召开记者会,宣布他最爱的人是智恩,但为了她的幸福决定和她离婚。
Todas las personas que rodean a Young-jae y Ji-eun se enteran de su contrato de matrimonio y les aconsejan que se separen.