Tohru is quite surprised to see Yuki, Shigure, and Kyo turn into animals. While still in their animal forms, they tell her about the Sohma Family Curse. Whenever a member of the Sohma family is hugged by a member of the opposite sex, they turn into animals from the Chinese Zodiac. Later on at school, Yuki confronts Tohru and tells her that her memory may have to be erased because she found out the family secret. When they return home, Shigure informs them of Akito's decision: Tohru can stay at the house and won't have her memories erased as long as she doesn't tell anybody about the family secret.
Rien ne va plus chez les Sôma. Tôru vient de découvrir leur terrible secret. Que vont-ils faire d'elle maintenant ?
שיגורה מספר לראש משפחת סומה שטורו עברה לגור איתם. טורו לומדת להכיר את קיו אבל יוקי מודיע לה שהזיכרון שלה עלול להימחק כדי להגן על סודות המשפחה...
Kyo ha llegado con Yuki para poder derrotarle como lo ha prometido desde que eran niños, enemigos naturales, una rata y un gato, Tohru esta emocionada porque es la primera vez que conoce a alguien del signo gato, pero al parecer ella no es muy bienvenida por Kyo, sin embargo, no se dará por vencida...
La ragazza ha appena scoperto il segreto della famiglia Soma, i suoi tredici membri son difatti posseduti dagli spiriti degli animali dello zodiaco; ogni qualvolta vengono abbracciati da una persona del sesso opposto si trasformano nei loro animali guida.