As part of their course, each student is about to be paired with a member of the opposing sex for further training. Saki's classmate Ryou is interested on picking her, but when she realizes that he is not who was supposed to be, she turns him down and pairs up with Satoru instead. While talking to their friends, Saki realizes that their memories were altered so they recognize Ryou as a regular member of the group since childhood instead of Shun, whose name they can't manage to remember. Upon seeing Mamoru panicking about the situation, Saki, Satoru and Maria decide to leaving out of the subject and keep investigating by themselves, but soon after they are called for an audience with Satoru's grandmother Tomiko, who is revealed to be the head of the Ethics Committee, a fact that not even Satoru was aware of.
Dans le cadre de leur scolarité, chaque élève sera jumelé avec un partenaire du sexe opposé pour poursuivre sa formation. Le camarade de classe de Saki Ryou est intéressé à s'associer avec elle, mais comme Saki se rend compte qu'il n'est pas ce qu'elle croyait être, elle le rejette et s'associe avec Satoru à la place. Tout en parlant à leurs amis, Saki se rend compte que leurs souvenirs ont été modifiés afin qu'ils reconnaissent Ryou comme un membre régulier du groupe depuis l'enfance au lieu de Shun, dont ils n'arrivent pas à se souvenir. Mamoru se souvient de Reiko, qui a disparu peu de temps après que Saki a rejoint l'école, mais ne peut pas non plus se souvenir de son nom. Saki trouve un miroir dans une vieille caisse qui, une fois polie, révèle le nom Yoshimi.
Come parte del loro corso, ogni studente deve fare coppia con un membro del sesso opposto per ulteriori esercitazioni. Un compagno di classe di Saki, Ryou, è interessato a scegliere lei, ma quando la ragazza capisce che egli non è chi si suppone debba essere, rifiuta la proposta e fa coppia con Satoru.
2인 1조로 당번을 정하는 행사에서 료의 고백을 받은 사키는 왠지 위화감을 느낀다. 이 이상한 기분의 정체를 알기 위해 사키는 료에게 과거에 관한 질문을 던지게 되는데...그리고 그 대답을 들은 사키는 자신과 친구들의 기억이 어느 한 사람의 존재를 지우기 위해서 조작되었다는 것을 깨닫게 된다.