James Jones' novel inspired this three-part saga of military life in 1941 Hawaii. The plot revolves around a tough veteran (William Devane) swept into an affair with his C.O.'s wife (Natalie Wood); and a rebel (Steve Railsback) who falls for a prostitute (Kim Basinger). Maggio: Joe Pantoliano. Captain Holmes: Roy Thinnes.
Part 2 of three. A harassed Prewitt (Steve Railsback) winds up in the stockade with feisty Maggio; Warden's affair with Karen (Natalie Wood) continues in a rendezvous that reworks the classic beach scene from the 1953 film. Warden: William Devane. Maggio: Joe Pantoliano. Lorene: Kim Basinger. Judson: Peter Boyle.
Stockade brutality and the vicissitudes of romance are preludes to the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, as this miniseries concludes. William Devane, Natalie Wood, Steve Railsback, Kim Basinger. Maggio: Joe Pantoliano. Judson: Peter Boyle.