Als die Gestalten sich auf den Weg zur Neuen Ravensborne-Nuklearkode machen, werden sie von Ingrid, Cleo, Arnett, Attia und ihren Begrenzern aufgehalten. Cassie und Milena gelingt es, ihnen zu entkommen, nur um auf Isabel und ihren Begrenzer zu treffen. Letzterer erfährt, dass der Schwachpunkt der Neuen Form das Nova-Stigma zwischen ihren Schlüsselbeinen ist, das die Infektion zerstören und sie von Novas Kontrolle befreien wird.
As the Nova Forms head towards the Ravensborne Nucleocheode, they are held back by Ingrid, Cleo, Arnett, Attia and their Limiters. Cassie and Milena manage to evade them only to encounter Elizabeth and her Limiter, whom the latter learns the Nova Forms weak point is the Nova Stigma between their collarbones which will destroy the infection and release them from Nova control. However, Cassie breaks into the lower levels where Satellizer and the others are. After defeating Lana and Ganessa, Cassie goes after Satellizer who refuses Kazuya's help, where they both get into a fierce battle using all of their Tempest Turn and Accel techniques. As Cassie prepares a finishing blow to Satellizer, Kazuya summons up all of his Freezing abilities to stop Cassie and tells Satellizer how important she is to him which the latter realize how much Kazuya cares about being her partner.
A medida que la cabeza de las formas hacia la Nueva Nucleocheode Ravensborne, que se ven frenados por Ingrid, Cleo, Arnett, Attia y sus limitadores. Cassie y Milena logran evadirlos sólo para encontrarse con Isabel y su limitador, a quien éste se entera de la Nueva Forma punto débil es el estigma Nova entre sus clavículas, que va a destruir la infección y los libera de Nova de control.