Die Mitglieder des Iwatobi-Schwimmclubs grübeln über Nagisas merkwürdiges Verhalten beim Training nach. Obwohl sie die besten Gelegenheiten ergreifen, um Nagisa zu fragen, was passiert ist, weigert dieser sich stur, über das, was ihn bekümmert, zu sprechen...
After the others notice him behaving oddly and insisting on sleeping over, Nagisa reveals he has run away from home, eventually explaining that his parents told him to quit the swim club because of his poor grades. Wanting to avoid his mother, Nagisa and the others hide out at the swimming center to come up with a plan, where Nagisa laments how he doesn't find studying fun, having been forced to do it endlessly during middle school. As the group move further into the school when someone approaches, Rei tries to convince Nagisa to tell his parents how he really feels. Moved by everyone's words, Nagisa vocalises his true feelings to the pursuer, who turns out to be their teacher, Miho Amakata, who came after Haruka told her to let them handle it and gives Nagisa the courage to talk to his parents.
Quelques jours avant les préfectorales, l'entraînement s'intensifie. Mais Nagisa commence à se comporter de manière étrange. Inquiets, Haruka, Mako et Rei essaient de lui tirer les vers du nez.
Nagisa si comporta in modo strano alla fine dell'allenamento giornaliero. I ragazzi cercheranno di chiedergli spiegazioni, ma Nagisa sembra non volerne parlare...
집주변에서 이상한 소리가 나자 요리하던 복장 그대로 밖으로 나온 하루카.
그리고 그곳에는 가출을 한 것 같은 나기사가 있었는데.
Los miembros del club de natación Iwatobi reflexionan sobre lo que pudo haber provocado el extraño comportamieto de Nagisa al final de la práctica de ese día. Nagisa se rehúsa a explicar por qué está molesto.