With Clain and Phryne in custody, the Temple airship arrives at an underground base and Barrot demands that he check Phryne's virginity. Meanwhile, Sunda enlists the aid of Dias for a rescue mission. Clain wakes up to find a girl who resembles Nessa and claims to be Phryne, who then takes him to a room that contains other clones like her. While Phryne is about have her exam, Nessa interrupts in a rage before storming off looking for Clain. Phryne follows Nessa and the two meets up with Clain. The three discover a room were the clones being destroyed. Seeing the clone that helped him earlier, Clain attempts to save her before the Temple forces arrive. Sunda and Dias begin their attack on the base and with the help of Nessa, break through the defenses. However, Dias charges in and destroys the base. But not before Clain and Phryne find shelter with help from the clone.
Clain e Phyrne sono prigionieri del tempio. Clain si risveglia e vede una ragazza che assomiglia a Nessa e che dice di essere Phryne, la quale lo condurrà in una stanza che contiene dei cloni che le somigliano. Nessa intanto compare nella base sotterrane e libera la vera Phryne; le due vanno alla ricerca del ragazzo. Intanto incomincia l'attacco alla base da parte del Lost Millenium.
バローに捕らわれてしまったクレインとフリュネ。重傷を負ったクレインを人質に取られ、フリュネはバローの仕打ちに耐えるしかない状況に。 一方クレインはネッサと同じ容姿の女の子に出会う。フリュネの居場所を尋ねるが、彼女は自分の名前もフリュネだと言いなんだか会話がかみ合わない。 そんな中クレインは自分が捕らわれた施設の全貌を知ることになる。
큰 부상을 당한 클레인은 프류네와 함께 수도원에 붙잡히고 넷사와 함께 돌아온 엔리는 자책감에 빠진다. 당장 클레인을 구하러 가자는 엔리, 하지만 슨다는 조금 더 준비를 하고 찾으러 가야 한다며 엔리를 만류하는데…