A cooking show hosted by two chefs, one of whom is blind, premieres with guest Christine Cushing joining Christine Ha and Carl Heinrich in the kitchen as they prepare black cod in “crazy sauce,” gochujang chicken wings and spaghetti.
Chef Anna Olson is the guest.
Chef Michael P. Clive helps prepare an Asian shrimp salad with mango-noodle slaw, Musubi rolls, and a quinoea salad.
Chef Jason Rosso helps prepare a Thai basil stir-fry with coconut sauce, plus roasted oysters, and a truffle dessert.
Chef John Cirillo helps prepare a breakfast of yogurt-creamed oats with fruit, a frittata and a tortilla.
Maggie McKeown joins the chefs as they prepare spinach salad, Pla Kra pong and tomato gazpacho.
Chef Stephen Pynn helps the hosts prepare seafood dishes. Included: salmon stir-fry; steamed mussels; and tuna tartare. Also: Mary Walsh visits the set.
Chef Dustin Gallagher helps the hosts prepare treats for canines and their owners. Also: tips for traveling with a service dog.
Chef Michael Olson joins Christine and Carl in the kitchen to cook and discuss holiday recipes.
Chef Romel Griarte joins Christine and Carl in the kitchen to cook healthy dishes.
Chef John Horne joins Christine and Carl in the kitchen to cook dishes with a texture theme.
Chef Steven Kwon joins Christine and Carl, as they cook and discuss recipes with a grill theme.
Chef James Smith joins Christine and Carl in the kitchen to cook and discuss dishes that engage the five senses.
Christine and Carl are joined by singer Amy Sky to cook dishes with a sticky theme.
Christine and Carl are joined by chef Corbin Tomaszeski, as they cook a variety of dishes.
Christine and Carl cook sweet and savory food, joined by design duo Colin McAllister and Justin Ryan.