Expert Pat Laturnus investigates a tragic accident that has horrified a small town. However, the victim's husband's behaviour arouses suspicions. Can murder be proved?
The murder of a man bludgeoned to death with a steel pipe is investigated.
New forensic DNA techniques help detectives as they race against time to catch a psychopath who battered a homeless man to death in a bus shelter.
A partial tire print on a dead man's shoe leads investigators to his killer, a notorious drug dealer. Amazing scientific techniques are revealed by experts.
The threat of fingerprinting is known by even the pettiest criminal, but now footprint identification can convict a crook. Follow a case that brought a felon to heel.
The kidnapping of a millionaire businessman is recalled. The police trace a ransom call to two college students, who are picked up; and, with time running out, attempt to locate the victim.
The case of “Mafiaboy” is related. In February 2000, the 16-year-old computer hacker caused an estimated $1.7 billion in damages when he disrupted Internet traffic to several high-profile Web sites.