Home / Series / Food Theory / Aired Order / Season 2021 / Episode 29

The Subway Tuna Conspiracy Continues...

We've covered the Subway Tuna controversy once before on this channel. In that, we can to the conclusion that Subway was not trying to market a mystery meat as tuna in their tuna sub. Recently the New York Times came out with an article bringing it all up again. The article said that they did a DNA test on the Subway tuna filling and could not prove it was in fact tuna. Well Theorists, I'm here to tell you that the New York Times made a pretty big mistake with their test and the tuna wants its revenge...

  • Originally Aired July 24, 2021
  • Runtime 11 minutes
  • Production Code SMALh_GVxF4
  • Network YouTube
  • Created July 25, 2021 by
  • Modified July 25, 2021 by