The process of making instant ready-to-blend fruit smoothies is so cool that it takes a river of liquid nitrogen to make it happen; find out how raw organic cocoa beans are turned into luscious salted almond chocolate bars; delicious paneer isn’t just the most popular cheese in southeast Asia, it doesn’t melt when it’s cooked; and, with a killer combination of kick, wasabi horseradish mustard features a spicy family story that only science can explain.
Conheça o processo de produção industrial dos smoothies de frutas instantâneos e veja o resultado da junção entre chocolate, amêndoas e sal rosa do Himalaia. Descubra ainda os segredos do queijo mais popular do Sudeste Asiático e a mostarda de raiz-forte com wasabi.
Die Serie "Food Factory" gibt intensive und unterhaltsame Einblicke in die Welt der industriellen Lebensmittelproduktion. Diesmal geht es u.a. um die Herstellung von Instant Smoothies und Wasabi-Senf.