Discover how festive eggnog gets its rich and creamy, soothing texture; pre-assembled gingerbread houses are built on a spicy foundation of aromatic dough and icing; sweet and luxurious milk chocolate is painstakingly formed into flavorful hollow chocolate Santas; and fruity, nutty, dense traditional Christmas cake is infused with a round of holiday cheer.
Descubra como a gemada obtém sua rica consistência cremosa; as casas de pão de gengibre pré-montadas são construídas sobre uma base de massa temperada e glacê; um chocolate com leite moldado na forma de Papai Noel; e o tradicional bolo de Natal com frutas e nozes carregado de alegria.
Es weihnachtet sehr bei "Food Factory". Diesmal gibt es detaillierte und unterhaltsame Einblicke u.a. in die industrielle Herstellung von Eierpunsch, Knusperhäuschen und Schoko-Weihnachtsmännern.