Discover how smooth caramel and milky chocolate combine with scrumptious pretzels to produce a perfect salty sweet snack; the makers of Jelly Bellys get those mouth-watering flavours into their jellybeans; lip-smacking Korean dumplings are jam-packed with savory spices and healthy veggies; and meaty, finger-licking Cornish pasties get their signature shape from an underground connection.
Descubra como o caramelo e o chocolate são combinados com deliciosos pretzels para criar o lanche perfeito, como os fabricantes de Jelly Bellys trazem esses sabores deliciosos aos seus doces, como deliciosas almôndegas coreanas são embaladas com especiarias saborosas e vegetais saudáveis e de onde vem a forma característica dos deliciosos pastéis da Cornualha.
Wie wird die Cornish Pasty in Form gebracht? Welche Zutaten werden benötigt, um koreanische Teigtaschen zu veredeln? "Food Factory" wirft einen Blick hinter die Kulissen der Lebensmittelproduktion.