Discover how sweet and sugary Mike and Ike candies get their chewy centres and shiny shells; rich and cheesy shredded mozzarella is made just right for nacho night; cool and refreshing Arizona iced green tea gets the same smooth, healthy taste in every can; and how banana-flavoured Turkish Taffy comes out crunchy yet soft and stretchy at the same time.
Você vai conhecer o mistério por trás das balas Mike and Ike. Aproveite e descubra como são feitos o chá verde gelado Arizona e o queijo mussarela ralado. Para fechar, as curiosidades do caramelo turco.
Wie kommt geriebener Mozzarella in den Handel? Wie behält Iced Green Tea in der Dose seinen charakteristischen Geschmack? "Food Factory" blickt hinter die Kulissen der Lebensmittelproduktion.