An accidental kiss sparks an unexpected romance when a wine critic with perfect taste and a girl with no sense of taste find that their senses have switched. Lu Wei Xun is a genius wine critic who is cold and unapproachable. In his field, he is regarded as a tyrant because of his strict expectations and well-respected for having the perfect sense of taste. For some reason, Lu Wei Xun crosses paths with the upbeat He Bu Zui, a young woman who lost her sense of taste since she was young.
What kind of chemical reaction will take place with the meeting of two polar opposites?
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- antes bêbado que embriagado
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训练有素、拥有行业内极高地位的味觉奇才陆微寻,在遇到没有味觉的阳光少女何不醉之后,意外遭到了人生重大挫折——失去了味觉。何不醉竭尽所能帮助陆微寻走出困境,同时,陆微寻为何不醉设计了一整套恢复味觉的方法,帮助她找回味觉。何不醉克服一切困难,接受魔鬼训练,深刻感受到了行业精英背后的辛苦与努力,体会到了世间各种奇妙味道。陆微寻与何不醉性格迥异,却在相处中,高冷孤僻的陆微寻被坚韧而乐观的何不醉感染,何不醉成长为具有极高素质的业内人士,也在与陆微寻的相互帮助与合作中,被对方的真心所打动,建立了深厚的情感,遇见了属于自己的爱情 。
Lu Wei Xun est un critique de vins strict et froid avec d'excellentes papilles gustatives. He Bu Zui, une femme chaleureuse et décontractée n'a aucune perception des saveurs depuis l'enfance. Après un baiser accidentel leurs papilles gustatives sont échangées.