An armed extremist faction had stolen the FLAG, which was previously seen as the symbol of peace that triggered the cease-fire initiative between armed factions and the government forces in Uddiyana. The UN secretly dispatched a SDAC unit to retrieve the FLAG. Saeko Shirasu was assigned as the accompanying reporter.
Alternate Synopsis:
In the mountainous Asian country of Uddiyana a civil war rages. No end lies in sight for the war-torn nation until a lone photographer snaps an iconic image that comes to be known simply as "Flag." Hope arises as the many factions involved begin an approach to peace, rousing the call for a ceasefire behind the featured flag.
When an unknown guerilla sect steals this symbol of unity, a U.N. Special Development Command unit is dispatched using the latest in military technology, a transforming bipedal exoskeleton known as the HAVWC system. Recruited to document this mission is a war-time journalist, the author of the "Flag" photograph, Saeko Shirasu. Witness the trials and triumphs of a peacekeeping taskforce behind the camera's view-finder as they take their first steps towards the recovery of the road to peace and discover the truth behind a struggle.
アジアの小国ウディヤーナの内戦に和平の気運をもたらした一枚の写真「フラッグ」 。 そのカメラマン白州冴子は、 国連から極秘の依頼を受ける。 戦地で再会した先輩カメラマン赤城圭一に資料を託した後、 白州は独り特殊部隊シーダックの基地へと向かった。