This episode reveals how the Portland Hospital's army of consultants, midwives, chefs and cleaners serve some of the UK's most pampered parents. We meet high-society it girl Hui, who isn't ashamed to admit she is too scared to give birth naturally. No-nonsense Scottish nurse Pat is adamant she is not star struck but baby struck as she looks after the newborns of celebrities and royalty while they enjoy afternoon tea. And the Countess of Bradford reveals how her career as a consultant delivering newborns has a disastrous effect on her social life.
In the second episode of this series, the Portland Hospital is put under intense pressure from the arrival of a wave of VIPs - including a Middle Eastern princess and a Premier League footballer's wife - all paying a premium for the ultimate pampered birth. New staff member Phoebe admits her biggest fear is that they will all go into labour at exactly the same time. New midwife Rachel reveals the shock of going from a busy NHS ward delivering babies to doing more mundane jobs like brushing a patient's hair. And we meet young dad of four Nick, whose humble upbringing means he takes the extreme Portland luxuries with a pinch of salt.