Four friends set out on a grueling jungle expedition where they face torrential rains and deadly insects in a quest to verify a rumor of giant golden dorado in an uncharted Bolivian river.
The guys head deep into Zambia in search of large tigerfish and the only things standing in their way are 400 miles of unpaved roads, crocodiles, hippos and a serious lack of fuel.
The team follows a lead to an extremely remote river in Greenland, believed to hold massive Arctic char. With its barren tundra, towering fjords, and ice-carved valleys, they discover Greenland is wilderness at its most pure and most dangerous.
The crew heads to one of the most remote and inhospitable jungles of Ecuador to try and land an arapaima, the largest scaled freshwater fish in the world.
Off the extreme eastern tip of Papua New Guinea lies Milne Bay and it's rumored to be home to huge schools of one of the greatest sportfish ever, the giant trevally; trying to hook and land a giant trevally on a fly rod will be the ultimate test.