Kevin and Jamie follow in the footsteps of Whitcombe and Lauper’s first crossing of the Southern Alps via the Whitcombe pass
Kevin and Jamie retrace the 1910 journey of explorers William Grave and Arthur Talbot, as they attempt to find a pass suitable for a tourist track across Fiordlands Darran Mountains
Kevin and Jamie re-trace the first ascent of Mount de la Beche by Tom Fyfe and George Graham in 1894 - the first major peak conquered by New Zealand-born climbers.
Kevin and Jamie travel back to 1810 to retrace the unbelievable survival story of David Loweniston and nine other stranded sealers, who were marooned on the Open Bay Islands.
Kevin and Jamie retrace the great journey of Thomas Brunner and his guide Kehu down the Buller River in 1846.
Kevin and Jamie recreate the 16 week epic adventure of mysterious and contradictory gold prospector Alphonse Barrington.
Kevin and Jamie head to the hills of Takaka to retrace the steps of caver Peter Lambert and his team as they became the first to explore the Harwood's Hole caving system in 1958.
Kevin and Jamie head to Fiordland to explore the unmapped Olivine Ice Plateau as John Holloway did between 1934-1938.
Kevin and Jamie embark on the epic first exploration of the wild Motu River, retracing the route of the Fisher brothers in 1920.
Kevin and Jamie take on the fearsome Cook River Gorge as they retrace the footsteps of pioneer photographer Ebenezer Teichelmann in 1905.
Kevin and Jamie will embark on the journey of Kelly Tarlton and his exploration of the Elingimite wreck off the Three Kings Islands
Kevin and Jamie embark on the remarkable 1885 exploration of the Arawata River and take on the ascent of Mt Ionia, following in the footsteps of Charlie Douglas and Gerhard Mueller.
Kevin and Jamie take on take on the massive summit of Mt Tapuae-o-uenuku, all 2,885 metres of it as Edmund Hillary did in 1944.