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Season 1

  • S01E01 Yearning for the Word

    • October 16, 2011

    Discover the history of the English Reformation and learn about the varying roles Martin Luther, William Tyndale, and King Henry VIII had in its development.

  • S01E02 Martyrs for a Book

    • October 23, 2011

    Gutenberg's revolutionary printing press aided the Protestant Reformation and sped up the printing of illegal Bibles being smuggled to England. Within a year, many influential "heretics" were betrayed, imprisoned, and martyred for their belief.

  • S01E03 The King James Bible

    • October 30, 2011

    In 1604, England's King James orders a new translation of the Bible. Seven years, 54 scholars, and one of the greatest committee efforts in history result in the most widely used book ever written.

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