Chen Chang Sheng's blood can cure all ailments in other people but limits his life expectancy to 20 years. So, he left his master to pursue the only way to extend his life: Pass Zhou Dynasty's "Examination of Dachao" and be admitted to the shrine where a holy stone that supposedly can change a person's destiny is worshipped. He overcame many obstacles, including his inability to practice ascension, to obtain the qualification to enter the exam. Along the way, he befriended a human technology prodigy, a goblin princess and a goblin warrior who assisted him in defeating other contenders. His mission to change his destiny tipped the balance of good and evil. With the help of his betroth, he learned to harness his new powers and save the human world from the demons.
Âgé de 14 ans, Chen Chang Sheng est un orphelin qui a été sauvé par un maître taoïste. Son sang pouvant guérir les maux dont souffrent les autres le destine aussi à mourir à l'âge de 20 ans.
Il fera alors tout pour changer son destin. Il quitte son maître et part à la recherche d'une pierre permettant de changer le destin des gens. Il rencontrera alors des amis et des ennemis et afin d'atteindre son but, il devra faire face à de nombreux obstacles.