This week, an albino tiger and a naked man try to escape the news headlines.
The juxtaposition of two news stories may have created the most awesome band name ever.
Just one of the many exciting new uses for prison carrots.
Running the full moral gamut, from not burning (as many) churches to fighting over dead sheep.
Don't let conflict over weasel classification get in the way of your assault charges.
What we can learn from this is that Kathleen should not go into law.
This week, Feed Dump brings you Thunderdome, lemon incest and professional gluttony.
They're the new action heroes sweeping the headlines of the nation, and making us giggle.
The best (and presumably only) source for all your drugged pigs and political stripping news.
Proof that no single country has ALL the weird news. Also, Vikings.
Nothing like a screaming corpse to brighten your day. Also, actual Vikings this time.
Trust Alex and Jeremy to ram Magic: The Gathering in where it doesn't belong. Also, plastic scrotums.
When Bear-Hell is full, the bears will walk the earth... and get smashed on Super Comet Wine.
Some day Alex and Jeremy will manage to stay on topic, and that episode will be the exception that proves the rule.
The news isn't always as silly as it ought to be. That's where we come in.
We didn't even know you could measure an earspan, but there you are. Thanks Guiness!
Mexico: Sandy beaches, nice weather, acceptance of sex scandals.
When a public nuisance gets given a nickname, it's time to pull out all the stops.
Just what Feed Dump needed: Fortune Cards!
If you're allergic to peanut butter or want to be a bullet, we've got you covered.
The Dutch really know how to solve their problems hilariously.
There are some things that should not be on the internet, and yet, still are.
Ice creams trucks are pushing the soft serve ... and pills.
We've almost got all the Halloween out of our systems.
Occupy the North Pole and Nigerians get into poop sifting.
If you've ever wondered if your grandpa could be stronger, the answer is yes.
Count your blessings because in Spain they're dealing with a corpse housing crisis.
We could be in the midst of a Marmite shortage...defcon meh.
This week the news is plagued by a series of bears where they shouldn't be.
If you're going to write up the obituary, maybe check that they're all the way dead.
Just like Feed Dump, the pâté is flavorful, a bit gamey, and the red nose is extra.
We ring in the New Year with a full 50% additional co-host than the leading Feed Dump.
It would take you longer to build a tower of salad than it would to eat it.
The stories about a huge cat and a dead mouse are actually unrelated.
With one hundred billion dollars you could buy all the things.
The chance of missing limbs will probably HELP the coaster's sales.
Some people take hunting down Prince Charming a little too seriously.
Featuring a tale of pepper spray and a tribal dance.
It may not be what's for dinner, but it'll certainly put you off your dinner.
Graham and his hats put on a one man show.
Turns out that you can sell anything that vaguely resembles someone if you try hard enough.
If you drink 1000 cans of cola in a day you should probably see a doctor.
Who can blame the rejected fruit flies for their alcohol consumption.
Join some old friends in this week's very special episode of Feed Dump.
When simply calling in sick just can't get the job done.
Bacon Coffin? What a tasty way to go.
Everyone's allowed to be groggy, but ideally not while you're flying.
If you're going to fake a disease, cancer may not be the way to go.
Join the crew while they give you the inaugural Van Dump.
There are worse names to go with than Tyrannosaurus Rex.
There may be an entire generation of Emo children that can only see through one eye. Where are their weepy overly dramatic charities with a Sarah McLaughlin song?
This week we learn that 1,600 men have officially too much money.
Do you like your watermelon salty? Well then Pepsi Japan has just the thing for you.
Child Protective Services, protecting children from a poor choice in names since its inception.
Just what is Graham talking about?
Do they even offer spear gun safety classes?
There are serious consequences for thrown french fries.
We present you with the sassiest episode of Feed Dump.
Brazil's prisons will be fielding one heck of a cycling team in the future.
Will Dakota and Madison fix the lawn before the big party? Stay tuned!
The Feed Dump Rises.
Drug smuggling hits a new low.
Cinnabon just goes where they're needed.
It's not his fault that the police cars were so crushable.
I don't know if Kathleen should be put into a robot.
You better be sitting down for this episode of Feed Dump.
I would have guessed that the Rock Circle would have been worth more.
France has quite the interesting names for cities apparently.
Benjamin Franklin was a clear proponent of free speech through tattooing, he had the Bill of Rights covering his back.
That is one jeweler that you do not want to rob.
If you're narcoleptic, you probably shouldn't pursue a career in burglary.
From their Fortress of Snuggle-tude comes an extra comfortable episode of Feed Dump.
Apparently cavemen weren't worried about endangered species. How short sighted of them.
The price some people will pay to have their throats lacerated.
A bit of advice, do not crash a Machete Party.
I never knew that certain kinds of seafood also double as narcotics.
And here some people pay to have a band watch them do their business in public.
This week we learn that debt isn't always a great thing.
Maybe the snake just needed an ego boost.
Who doesn't want to take part in a milking?
Mustaches and crime-fetti litter the ground in this week's Feed Dump.
In a very special episode of Feed Dump they discuss what it takes to get workplace compensation.
This week on Feed Dump, we learn that smuggling caviar is apparently a thing.
This week, we learn about the latest new weight loss method and its horrible, horrible implications.
Bert's Spider Shack where the prices are so good they might cause necrosis.
This week we learn how to get a head in O'Hare.
When Graham's away, Feed Dump starts going to the dogs.
The dump never sleeps, but sometimes it goes on vacation.
Do you have what it takes to be Canada's next top Pope? Probably not.
Some baristas give everything to their job.
Put on your guessing hat because this week we bring to you a very special all guessing games episode.
This week's Feed Dump gives us some suggestions on gorilla proofing your home.
The roaches may be coming for us or they just really hate New Jersey.
Is there any way to improve tacos? Michigan says yes.
The filthiest of holidays!
No need to fret, be comforted that Cher is indeed alive.
Remember if you go to a courthouse get a duck sitter because the courts don't take too kindly to water fowl.
I thought that it was a good omen to have a tiger visit you in the bathroom.
Canada is apparently training drug sniffing moose.
So many episodes, so much silly news, so many hats.
This week's Feed Dump shines a light on the UN's plan to do eradicate all insect life.
Welcome to a very mythical special episode of Feed Dump.
This week on Feed Dump we learn that Silvio Berlusconi's prosecutor is getting free bullets in the mail.
Feed Dump explores what it's supposed to be like when you get all "potted up on the Hootie Mack."
Music is the universal language, but perhaps not this music.
This Feed Dump once wrestled a bear. Now it's having a contest.
This week's episode is sans skeleton, unlike most coffins.
Sadly, Feed Dump Canada has a significantly lower budget than Feed Dump America.
Poop is everywhere -- in your heart, in your intestines, and even in the news. So much poop news, so little time.
Chickens, goats and Hitler. Cam hates them all.
Ever wonder what a cow palace is? Me neither.
Van Dump 2 the sequel reborn.
The gang takes the Feed Dump to a new and exotic location for a very special episode.
Come on down to Spaghetti Warehouse. We have all your sauce, gun and warehouse needs covered âEUR¦ in cheese!
Keep your hair clean and fresh with these tips from future Romanian Princess Kathleen!
Because who else is going to keep you up to date on what crazy people are putting down their throats.
Just because all the other kids are stowing away doesn't mean that you have to.
If you're going to go back in time, why go back to the worst time?
Sometimes, there are contests you don't feel very good about winning.
So your car melted. It could be worse. You could have been shot while arguing about philosophy.
Nothing will wake you from a peaceful slumber like Rihanna cuddling your monkey.
Pour one out for the stupid people. So many stupid people.
Hands off your snake please, I need you to hold this bag of cockroaches.
It's all fun and games until someone ends up on a phone sex line.
Incest, drugs and a side of blasphemy. It's a standard week for Feed Dump!
The episode everyone will like... until you get to the perverts.
This week, the gang takes on the most famous cryptozoological marvel ever.
You know, it is possible to be TOO politically correct.
Canadian silliness reigns supreme in this episode of Feed Dump.
Willing to get your hands dirty? How about get lit on fire?
This week's Feed Dump goes to a dark place. It's also quite festive, but it's still dark.
Feed Dump takes a surreal, skull filled turn.
Merry Christmas! We got you an extra long Feed Dump. With a side of stupidity.
A special New Year's Day edition of Feed Dump to cover all that special dumb news from 2013.
If you get caught doing something illegal, just claim you're the drummer from Whitesnake.
Cinnamon, duck hunters and Velveeta products are all in this week's Feed Dump.
Running without a gun is just taking your life into your hands, everyone knows that!
Science has brought us many things. Most of them stupid.
This Feed Dump is hot, wet and steamy. It's also in a rented cabin surrounded by bros.
Feed Dump knows all about the stupid trends the teens are getting up to. 'Cause we're cool.
Hear the gripping tale of a man who lost a squash inside himself.
Kids do the darndest things. Like being named RoboCop and stealing cars.
Since when has America's rallying cry been stop hitting yourself?
Look, Canada is cold, don't judge us on what we have to do to stay warm.
This week's Feed Dump is hardcore! It's got death, drugs and stinky cheese.
This episode went a weird place, then a dark place, then back to the weird place. Andy and Alex dial up the crazy.
We'd say this guy was in a sticky situation, but it was more of a stubby, blood-covered one.
Food is more interesting! And more filled with drugs! Squeeky and the Chunt are thrilled.
When spring strikes, the Feed Dump crew decides to do some research... outside.
It's the 150th episode of Feed Dump! This week, we play everyone's least favorite game, "Where's the Racism?"
Victory has never smelled so... pungent and overwhelming.
Feed Dump advice prefers to be described as "pragmatic" rather than just plain old "evil."
All UK based news, all questionable life choices.
We cannot stress it enough that you should REALLY consider watching this video with headphones.
Australians are likely to get up to a lot of silly stuff, but even they draw the line at hot sauce on the meat and two veg.
There's more than one way to skin a skin salesman. Or grease a shin.
This is not a drill! Repeat! This is not a drill. Also a guy in Florida is acting crazy, but that's hardly news these days.
Have you ever tried to enact diplomatic reform... while tripping balls? Only in Bolivia!
What does it take to a worse mayor than Rob Ford? The answer may surprise you!
We would call the dude who poops on the floor of a bank a badass, but he's really more of a grossass.
To be fair, the robot's platform really cut to the nuts and bolts of the issues.
There's a new black material and Kathleen and Ash are EXCITED. Also a drunk mayor and a crazy lady from Canada.
This is probably the darkest dump, ever.
Yep. The people who can't make a printer that can talk to your computer right have an app that can measure your penis. Not sure what else to say there.
Also, surprise! Skeletons!
Also, the official Scrabble dictionary gets updated with some awful words.
Why would anyone want to keep pornography found in the woods...?
It's time to read some smut, grab a beer, and slap on a penguin suit. Let's do this!
This week's Feed Dump engages "minimum spoop" mode.
When life gives you lemons, take a selfie with a corpse!
We're looking for love, iPhones and gimps in all the wrong places.
Here we go again with the turtle smuggling and the airplane porn.
If you need to smuggle any reptiles, we don't recommend using a zorb.
Alex, I'll take "wait this actually happened in real life?!" for $200 please.
How easy is it to make a million dollar mistake? Turns out, really damned easy if you're in Florida.
The saddest dog, the scariest spider, the dumbest classroom.
When life gives you skeletons, sternly ask where life got them.
We can't all be winners. But some of us losers can find free money on the side of the road.
Get your nice juicy New York City rat here! Side of free mace.
Even by Feed Dump standards this episode is off the rails. Cam and Andrew realize why cartoon mascots need pants.
Free Death Ray. Only used once. You pick up.
The moral of this week's episode is don't cut off Christmas despite your nose.
Paying for Japanese French fries is no joke. So jerk responsibly this winter.
Feed Dump may not be family friendly, but it seems safer than France.
Life's just not fair when you're just not Matthew McConaughey.
2015 will be the year we bring you hard hitting inquiries like "are possums cannibals?"
Evil Alex returns, and even Serge is tempted by the dark side. Meanwhile, the pizza in Switzerland must be awful.
Ian and Beej attempt to get to the bottom of what a chub is, and a bunch of birds are all up in it.
Graham and Ash find out a lot of new things. Like how to get a ride from a policeman, and how to properly "sex up" a mailbox.
Alex and Paul realize that all it takes to make a quick buck is some guts, a tarp and a complete lack of scruples.
The Feed Dump gang crowds into a hot tub, and makes like, six solid minutes of dick jokes. No really. All these stories are about penises.
Serge and Paul discover that people from Belarus have weird fetishes. They've also got a sweet idea for a new mob caper.
Ash and Ian learn there's nothing like pissing in a library and Kathleen has several song suggestions for viewers thinking of leading police on a high speed chase.
A small boy in Indiana wins the Feed Dump award of the century, and Heather discovers Beej's secret outdoor bathroom desires.
If you must do a crime, don't post about it on Facebook. Bonus, Graham and Ian learn what a Tesco is.
With friends like these, who needs beer or shotguns?
Andy and Alex debate what exactly goes into a 'rob job', how you pronounce 'dachshund' and just how far they can derail an episode.
There are many time that it is appropriate to call 911. During filming we gave Kathleen a knife, so this is probably one of those times.
Kathleen, Tally and Ash take a tour of the reckless, dangerous parts of America. Like Scranton, Pennsylvania.
It's Feed Dump Two-Hundy and we're here to ring in the the occasion with two stories about poop, and one about semen.
The important thing is, we came up with the idea first.
This week we learn all about death, and how your loved ones will probably be disrespecting your remains.
We hear the stories of three American heroes, who have earned the right to complain through no fault of their own!
This week, Feed Dump tries to be uplifting. Well, as uplifting as a show like this can be.
This week on Feed Dump we have a lot of questions about grease, fries and daddies.
The irony and felonies are plentiful this week, fitting the great nation that is the USA.
Ian and Alex desperately try to figure out if there's a lesson in this week's episode. Spoiler, there isn't.
Animals cause trouble this week, while Ash and Serge realize that friendship is a fragile, fleeting thing.
This week, Beej and Andrew find out a lot of... personal things about Merry Olde England.
Cam and Kathleen debate how much smuggling is too much.
What should you do if you have a samurai sword, a sausage and a bunch of beer?
You weren't planning on swimming ever again, were you?
Jason Statham makes everything better!
Kathleen returns to claim her throne just as the Loch Ness Monster finally throws in the towel.
Two US men are arrested for doing crimes, but a Norwegian walks free as a hero.
This week on Feed Dump, we discover how to extend your life while dramatically shortening the lives of those around you.
This week on Feed Dump, the criminals are getting more creative. They are not getting more successful.
This week on Feed Dump, the stupidity is out in full force, but the motives are very unclear.
People have come up with some creative solutions to problems like jail, crowded subway cars and border security.
Mistakes were made and participation is down. Feed Dump explores all things going wrong in the world of dongs this weeks.
This week on Feed Dump gross fish, conspiracy nuts and our own lack of religious knowledge.
It's amazing how one man can be so smart, and yet so dumb at the same time.
One man's secret twin and another man's secret twin bullets.
Keep your hands off my penis, guns, and pumpkins. In that order.
There are good times, and bad times, to call the police. Here are examples of both.
James is a man with a plan to make money and surprisingly poor comprehension skills.
A man biting another man down there is just too perfect for Feed Dump.
So if you're a burglar in Portland, remember your fanciest underwear.
Not everyone can afford the Hogwarts marketing team.
Your regular dump of the news of the week, now in a more controlled way, and more palatable.
Everywhere you look, there's a jar, of somebody's stolen brain matter.
With this crew, you're better off with more laws, not fewer.
Christmas, ISIS, Drugs and Florida. No, it's not cable news, it's Feed Dump!
The year you're getting all the things you didn't ask for. An elf on a shelf, unwanted visitors, and WHAM!
A one hundred percent free Feed Dump. We promise.
Come back Shane! Come back!
Extra heads, night clothes, and blazing browns intermingle in this weeks Feed Dump.
Huge growth potential from your cheese, if you don't choke on your burgerball.
This week on Feed Dump we stew in our own juices while we discuss monkeys, twitter, trucks, and intercultural animal masturbation. It's the hottest wettest dump of the year!
This week on Feed Dump find out about reptilian tipping, safe word selection strategies, and the lower threshold of New York's tolerance for cold.
Shooty state things, inappropriate license plates, and things that are definitely not kissing. All part of your complete Feed Dump.
This Feed Dump is all about crime. Crime and punishment, crime and crocodiles, cheese crimes, fashion crimes, and avoiding crime by eating surprising things.
Sleepy standoffs, Facebook felonies and the dankest of memes, all on this week's Feed Dump.
Narcotic breast implants, marsupial malfeasance and the dopest of rhymes, all on this week's Feed Dump
On this week's Feed Dump, we discuss Boaty McBoatface, alternative sources of alcohol, and Beej's childhood nickname.
Mistaken identity, road trips, and VHS tape come together to make this week's Feed Dump
Rose gold guns, polite gym breaking and entering, and the most fowl MLG entrances you can imagine all on this week's Feed Dump.
This week on Feed Dump, we contemplate a man fleeing Florida, missing missiles, and Sweeney Todd.
Missing library book, easy college acceptance and a new and exciting way to drown, this week on Feed Dump
This week on Feed Dump, we tackle accidental half marathons, airborne urination, and the very concept of justice.
Can Philly Jesus make it back into the Apple Store? Are yearbook editors that much of a bunch of dicks? What really is a grouse anyway? These questions and more will be answered in this week's Feed Dump!
Can you hear me now? Can you race just anything? Can I get another beer? Just three of the hard hitting questions we ask on this week's Feed Dump.
If nothing else, this Feed Dump should help you with your resum?, by reminding you to leave off wagon wheels, hide and seek, and your selfie abilities.
This week on Feed Dump we learn a little about arrests by phone, police horses, and grad photos, and a LOT about Serge.
Record amounts of ketchup, non-Brazillian pizza, and unexpected items are all back on the menu on this week's Feed Dump.
This week on Feed Dump, we talk about competitive grave digging, wildlife resale value, and nose things
This week on Feed Dump we discuss flat earth theories, round earth mysteries, and Beej gives us some deep thoughts on monkeys.
Hot takes on indentured servitude, automotive audio, and the proper use of emergency services, all on this week's Feed Dump.
Come on down to Cameron's "Get Into Jail" corral?we'll get you in there ASAP!
This week on Feed Dump, Kathleen finds three stories of true, modern day heroism.
This week on Feed Dump, Serge and Kate seem a little distracted, and Kathleen isn't sure what's real anymore.
This week on Feed Dump: nudists, vandals and still more Pokémon jokes.
This week on Feed Dump, we finally find out what makes honey badger give a f**k!
This week on Feed Dump, someone who did nothing wrong!
This week nominative determinism goes out of control!
This week on Feed Dump, Cameron has some helpful advice for settling neighbourhood feuds.
There are some real over-achievers in the world of screwing up.
This week on Feed Dump, a retraction, an extraction and an overreaction.
This week on Feed Dump, science lets us down.
This week on Feed Dump a man wanted a job a little too much.
This week on Feed Dump, a man gets stuck, a woman gets even, and another man gets rich in a filthy way.
This week on Feed Dump, bad customer service, political engagement and big issue for a small town.
This week on Feed Dump, free tattoos, a Chuck E Cheese brawl, and scary clowns get out of hand.
This week on Feed Dump, Kathleen has a hard time taking Ben seriously, and an interoffice conflict arises.
This week on Feed Dump, thefts, hot peppers and celibate clown orgies.
This week on Feed Dump, we discuss tree suits, ursine martial arts, and the danger of trains.
Bulls, pandas, and historical figures all make the news this week on Feed Dump.
This week on Feed Dump, Australia provides us with a triple threat of stupid stories.
This week on Feed Dump, e-Cigs explode, breast implants don't, and graves are neat!
Just settle in, light a scented candle, and let the Trudeau wash over you...
This week on Feed Dump, we did deep into Cameron and Ben's fantasies.
This week on Feed Dump, an Illinois man seeks some extra value.
This week on Feed Dump, a bad tip, a bad pet, and some good advice.
This week on Feed Dump Japan wipes us down, Germany wipes away vegetarian cuisine, and meth wipes us out.
This week on Feed Dump, special guests Molly Lewis and Ben Soileau hear about a hard to find man, and some harder to find pubic hair.
Chickens can really get you, coming and going.
This week on Feed Dump week hear about a rogue beer, some crossed wires and some dubious advice from Australia.
This week on Feed Dump, some gift ideas, mistakes are made, and a local man makes the news!
Beej delves further into his fantasies, the Japanese fat-shame godzilla, and a lady has a bra-faced dog.
This week Cameron, Serge and Kathleen go to a dark place. Not so dark that you can't steal two vans though.
Let's all eat a picture of Jason Seagal, take out the trash, and take the fire bus to Flavourtown!
This week on Feed Dump, we find out more about Serge's personal life.
This week on Feed Dump, the British PM is giving up something for Lent, and Kathleen is just giving up.
This week on Feed Dump, we pass an important milestone and learn more about the migration habits of the Florida Man.
This week on Feed Dump, Cameron rallies behind the cause of Welsh sandwiches.
This week on Feed Dump, we next level the police, and start a fire.
This week on Feed Dump, we learn about bread spreads.
This week on Feed Dump, the Prime Minister's pizza is in question.
This week on Feed Dump, two idiots, one idiot, and pigeon.
This week we celebrate an inexplicable milestone.
This week on Feed Dump, we gain a greater understanding of the majesty of nature.
This week on Feed Dump, three very dumb plans went awry.
This week on Feed Dump, unwanted books, beer made with real pee, and turtles on the half shell.
Order a pizza, donate marijuana to a nonprofit, and sit back with a nice chilled thermos of spunk.
This week on Feed Dump, the dangers of home electronics projects, email, and Victoria, BC.
This week on Feed Dump, we need an adult to save us from Turkeys and/or grill them.
This week on Feed Dump, a man wants a ride, a woman needs a lift, and someone needs help.
This week on Feed Dump, chaos reigns in Santa Monica, an elderly couple are stupid, and we tackle the exceptionally rare FOLLOW UP story!
This week on Feed Dump, someone's moving up, someone's getting shot, and something's getting stolen.
This week on Feed Dump, three people injure themselves in the pursuit of freedom, happiness and aloe vera.
This week on Feed Dump, an update, a very polite man and someone who REALLY doesn't want to pay tax.
This week on Feed Dump, we cross a line.
This week on Feed Dump, a creative cook, a mysterious car, and a clear-cut case of nominative determinism.
This week on Feed Dump, a big wreck, a game gone wrong and a bold escape.
This week on Feed Dump, three people who did very stupid things with cars, bees and a wedding dress.
This week on Feed Dump, two men who had accidents and a fashion disaster.
This week on Feed Dump, a new candy bar, a heist and a long face.
This week on Feed Dump some old familiar faces help us with some old familiar idiocy.
This week Feed Dump goes on location to a spooky place to talk dumb news!
This week on Feed Dump, we don't even know what the hell we're doing.
This week on Feed Dump, we find new ways to make fun of drummers.
This week on Feed Dump, dogs get out of hand and we finally get our new set!
Brought to you by the letters K, X, and Dumb.
This week on Feed Dump, we can't stay positive because Cameron is here.
This week on Feed Dump, we fail to jump a canal and succeed at not boning our own parents.
This week on Feed Dump, we go deep into local news, a black market fajita ring and fish swallowing.
Stories about things, stuff and other things. What do you want? We filmed this 2 days before Desert Bus.
This week on Feed Dump, double jail, an unexpected, potentially explosive vegetables, and failing to rob a hot dog stand.
With apologies to Australia.
It's a special holiday episode of Feed Dump! Stories about sneaking in via the chimney, Christmas trees and brussels sprouts.
In this, the last Feed Dump of the wretched year that was 2017, we hear about a laser happy surgeon, a very incompetent criminal, and what our parents were doing over Christmas
We start of 2018 by serving you only the freshest of jokes.
This week stories on frozen food, cardboard cut outs and a very bad flight.
This week on Feed Dump, Ben hates squirrels, Paul is disappointed, and Kathleen tries to explain cryptocurrencies.
This week, a new drive through business, a surefire way not to get arrested, and some creative problem solving.
This week on Feed Dump, we come to the end of a stupid stupid era. Stories about dumb cops, dumb drivers, dumb farmers and smart tigers.