Alle verbliebenen Beteiligten des Krieges um den Heiligen Gral stehen sich für einen finalen Kampf auf Leben und Tod gegenüber. Wer wird als Sieger hervorgehen?
Having defeated Shirō, Gilgamesh mocks his ideals; he agrees with him, but reaffirms his dream nevertheless. As Gilgamesh attempts to finish Shirō off, Saber arrives and shields him, but is ordered by Shirō to save Rin. Having an epiphany about the true nature of his powers, Shirō activates Unlimited Blade Works and uses its infinite number of replicate swords to counter Gilgamesh's Noble Phantasm. Meanwhile, Saber approaches the Holy Grail and recognizes it as a corrupted, improperly-summoned Servant called Angra Mainyu. She locates Rin, who uses two Command Seals and orders her to destroy the Grail with Excalibur as she is being consumed by Angra Mainyu. When Rin loses hope at surviving, Emiya's voice chides her for giving up and a barrage of swords pelts Angra Mainyu, freeing her. With Rin free and using her final Command Seal to augment her attack, Saber unleashes Excalibur and destroys Angra Mainyu's manifestation and the Holy Grail. As she fades, Saber laments that she will be unable to watch over Rin and Shirō, but accepts that her role is over. Inside Unlimited Blade Works, Shirō manages to overwhelm Gilgamesh, who angrily tries to draw Ea, but Shirō cuts off his arm and slashes him across the chest before running out of mana. Gilgamesh tries to finish him off, but a portal to the Holy Grail opens and engulfs him. He ensnares Shirō with a chain in order to pull himself out, but Emiya, having survived Gilgamesh's attack, intervenes by shooting a dagger into Gilgamesh's head, fatally wounding him. As he speaks his last words, Gilgamesh is consumed by Angra Mainyu before the portal closes. Rin and Emiya say goodbye as he fades away, with Emiya asking her to look after his past self. Shirō reunites with Rin, and they walk off together.
Tous les combattants restants s'affrontent lors d'une ultime bataille à mort qui décidera du sort du Saint Graal. Qui en sortira gagnant ?
Tutti i combattenti rimasti nella lotta per il Santo Graal si affrontano in uno scontro finale per la sopravvivenza. Chi vincerà?
길가메쉬의 보구, 에아의 풍압만으로 쓰러져버린 시로. 신지를 구하다 성배에서 빠져나오지 못 하게 된 린. 절망적인 상황 속에서 시로는 자신의 신념을 끝까지 지켜내었던 한 남자를 떠올린다.
Os guerreiros que ainda estão na disputa pelo Santo Graal se enfrentam em uma terrível batalha final. Quem terá sucesso?
Los guerreros que aún están en la disputa por el Santo Grial se enfrentan entre sí en una terrible batalla final. ¿Quién triunfará?
Победив Широ, Гильгамеш высмеивает его идеалы; он соглашается с ним, но тем не менее подтверждает свою мечту. Когда Гильгамеш пытается прикончить Широ, появляется Сэйбер и защищает его, но Широ приказывает спасти Рин. Получив прозрение об истинной природе своих сил, Широ активирует Unlimited Blade Works и использует бесконечное количество копий мечей, чтобы противостоять Благородному Фантазму Гильгамеша. Тем временем Сэйбер приближается к Святому Граалю и узнает в нем испорченного, неправильно вызванного Слугу по имени Ангра-Майнью. Она находит Рин, которая использует две командные печати, и приказывает ей уничтожить Грааль с помощью Экскалибура, пока ее поглощает Ангра-Майнью. Когда Рин теряет надежду на выживание, голос Эмии упрекает ее за то, что она сдалась, и шквал мечей обрушивается на Ангра-Майнью, освобождая ее.