Shirō, Rin und Saber werden von Caster in einer unsichtbaren Barriere gefangen, der im Kampf um den Heiligen Gral nun seine bisher unbekannten Kräfte gegen sie einsetzt.
While returning home from a trip in the next town, Shirō, Rin, and Saber find themselves inside a magical barrier, and they are ambushed by Caster and several water Golems. Caster reveals she has taken Taiga hostage and threatens to kill her unless Shirō hands over his magical circuits to her. When Shirō refuses, Caster tells him that she knows about the fire that he survived ten years ago, then claims her knowledge of a method to summon the Holy Grail without any further fighting, which can only be accomplished by Saber's mana. Shirō allows Caster to take his Command Seals in order to rescue Taiga, but an ambivalent Saber engages Caster in battle. Shirō uses a Command Seal to stop Saber, allowing Caster to stab her in the heart with a dagger-like Noble Phantasm called "Rule Breaker", which takes Shirō's remaining Command Seals and gives Caster control over Saber. After releasing Taiga, Caster forces Saber to kill Rin, but Shirō is injured while taking the blow. Saber then resists against Caster's magic long enough for Shirō, Rin, and Taiga to escape with assistance from Archer. Regaining consciousness at Rin's house, Shirō finds a jewel. He recognizes it as the same one that had been used on him while Rin revived him after he was stabbed by Lancer during the first battle. Meanwhile, Caster arrives at Kirei's church and demands the location of the Lesser Grail, the vessel for the Holy Grail. When he refuses to disclose it, she has him attacked by Golems. Shirō finds Rin at the top of a skyscraper and tries offering his assistance. However, she tells him that without Saber as his Servant, there is no longer a reason for him to be involved in the Holy Grail War and leaves with Archer. As she leaves, Rin warns him to stay out of the war, otherwise he will die.
Shirō, Rin et Saber sont pris derrière une barrière invisible dressée par Caster, qui a déchaîné des pouvoirs inconnus contre eux lors d'une bataille pour le Saint Graal.
Shirō, Rin e Saber sono intrappolati all'interno di una barriera invisibile da Caster, che lancia poteri sconosciuti contro di loro nella battaglia per il Santo Graal.
린의 갑작스러운 데이트 제안에 당황하면서도 즐거운 한때를 보내는 시로와 린, 그리고 세이버. 그러나 귀가길 도중 세 사람이 탄 버스를 습격하는 자가 있었으니...
Na manhã seguinte à passagem de Rin, Shirou e Saber saem para um encontro com Rin por sugestão dela. Esquecendo-se da luta, os três relaxam, mas são atacados por Caster mais uma vez. Caster pressiona Shirou, que não pode revidar porque ela tomou Fujimura como refém. Shirou a rejeita categoricamente, mas Shirou tem seus Selos de Comando e Saber roubados por Caster, que fica furioso com sua resposta.
Caster atrapa a Shirō, Rin y Saber en una barrera invisible y los ataca con poderes desconocidos en la batalla por el Santo Grial.
Возвращаясь домой из поездки в соседний город, Широ, Рин и Сэйбер оказываются внутри магического барьера, и на них нападают Кастер и несколько водяных големов. Кастер сообщает, что она взяла Тайгу в заложники, и угрожает убить ее, если Широ не передаст ей свои магические схемы. Когда Широ отказывается, Кастер говорит ему, что знает об огне, который он пережил десять лет назад, а затем заявляет, что знает метод призыва Святого Грааля без дальнейших сражений, что может быть достигнуто только с помощью маны Сэйбер. Широ позволяет Кастеру взять свои Командные печати, чтобы спасти Тайгу, но амбивалентная Сэйбер вступает в бой с Кастером.