Embark on an expedition across Japan with "Fantastic Fishing!" to discover the unique relationship between locals and the natural bounty they share. Japanese celebrities explore the fun of fishing, experiencing unique cuisine that makes the most of the local catch. Overlooked by Mt. Fuji, Suruga Bay is a marine paradise home to around 1,000 of the 2,300 species of fish populating Japan's oceans. Entertainer Tsuruno Takeshi tries his hand at lure fishing for his first ever Japanese Spanish mackerel, as they chase shoals of smaller fish.
Embark on an expedition across Japan with Fantastic Fishing! to discover the unique relationship between locals and the natural bounty they share. Japanese celebrities explore the fun of fishing, experiencing unique cuisine that makes the most of the local catch. On this episode, we journey to Shiretoko, Hokkaido Prefecture – an animal paradise home to Ezo red foxes and sika deer. Actress Tanaka Misako stakes out an estuary in pursuit of a migrating pink salmon during their short open season.