Kirchner starts to lay waste to the research ship in his attempts to reach Shiberu, but is attacked by the mysterious black entities that are after the Children, and we finally learn something about them. Agi's attempts to calm Kirchner and stop them is in vain, however, and the whole affair ends tragically. Yet now the Children and Helga are reunited, they decide to explain everything - particularly where they come from.
게르타는 키르히너를 붙잡으려고 하지만 결국 실패하고, 키르히너는 게르타와 배 안에 있는 선원들을 공격한다. 헬가와 치트를 구조한 배를 찾아다니던 베포르의 아이들은 게드기관의 배에서 오에셀이 나오는 것을 발견하고 토마와 함께 배 안으로 잠입한다.