A man sits alone in his study surrounded by scrawlings and mumbling about a forthcoming apocalypse as we see a photo of a group of ageless young albinos called the Befort Children. We switch focus several times as we follow the Children throughout history - in Holland, where their attempts to convince a young boy called Conrad to join them fail after they send him a postcard depicting a strange image, to Sweden at the turn of the century, and to the South Eastern Islands where they arrive too late at the bedside of a dead woman named Serafine who has been painting the same image as on the postcard. Strangely, one of the Children, Mel suffers amnesia and panics, getting captured by the strange young man Duma and his cronies while the other Children escape.
Fast-forward to 2012 in the Islands, and the roguish Toma practices his martial arts before discovering a young girl, Helga, lying on a statue silently. He visits his mother, a bogus fortune teller, and helps a young thief, Chit, escape his pursuers, before returning home to see Helga being taken away by some mysterious men...
19세기 말 네덜란드. 콘라트란 소년 앞에 ‘베포르 아이들’이라는 6명의 아이가 나타난다. 함께 가기를 재촉하는 아이들 앞에서 콘라트는 울음을 터트리며 강하게 거부하고, 결국 그곳에 남는다. 20세기 초, 성장하지 않은 베포어 아이들은 동남제도에 있는 여자를 찾아가지만, 운 나쁘게도 여자는 이미 숨을 거둔 상태. 게다가 그들을 쫓는 듀마란 소년에게 베포르 아이들 중 한 명인 멜이 잡히고 만다. 그리고 2012년, 동남제도의 한 섬에 사는 소년 토마는 한 헬가란 이상한 소녀를 만난다.
Ein Mann sitzt allein in seinem Arbeitszimmer, umgeben von Kritzeleien und murmelt über eine bevorstehende Apokalypse, als wir ein Foto einer Gruppe zeitloser junger Albinos namens Befort Children sehen.