Paige Townsen is a normal college girl working on her business degree who enjoys acting on the side. When the next big movie franchise goes into production and opens its doors looking for the next “It girl” to play the lead role, Paige’s roommates Cassie and Jake convince her to go to the open casting call. Never in her wildest dreams does she think she will even make it to the callbacks, but after an electric audition with Hollywood heartthrob Rainer Devon, her chance of a lifetime happens. She gets the part and her life is about to change forever. Meanwhile, intrigue is flowing through Hollywood as every actor wants a part in the new “Locked” film.
Paige Townsen è bella, ma timida e insicura, finché non ottiene il ruolo da protagonista in un film di Hollywood. La sua vita cambierà per sempre.
Après avoir décroché le premier rôle d'un blockbuster hollywoodien, adapté d'une saga littéraire à succès, Paige Townsen, une étudiante, voit sa carrière décoller, et sa vie changer du jour au lendemain. Elle doit désormais composer avec sa nouvelle vie de star, son indéniable alchimie avec son meilleur ami Jake et Rainer, son nouveau partenaire à l'écran...
Paige é uma universitária normal que trabalha em administração e gosta de atuar paralelamente. Sua vida muda completamente quando ela faz um teste para um grande filme.
Für die Verfilmung der berühmten Buchreihe „Locked“ suchen die Casting-Agenten nach einer passenden weiblichen Besetzung für die heiß begehrte Rolle der August. Ausgerechnet eine komplette Newcomerin, die Studentin Paige Townsen, setzt sich gegen ihre Konkurrentinnen durch und wird schon bald zum Shooting Star. Am Set verliebt sich der Schauspieler und trockene Alkoholiker Rainer Hals über Kopf in die junge Frau.