Zamora, age thirteen, lives in a rural village in Afghanistan. Her family feels the effects of recent war, caring for an uncle who was injured by a landmine. Zamora feeds the cows and chickens, cards cotton, gathers wood, helps with laundry and house cleaning, and makes bread. We see Zamora at prayer and at her religion class. Zamora feels the effects of recent war, caring for an uncle who was injured by a landmine. She feeds animals, does chores, prays and attends religion class. Madina’s family is reunited after 10 years of exile in Pakistan. She tutors a fellow student in computer usage, plays chess and has a snowball fight with her cousin. Twelve-year-old Madina lives with her family in Kabul. Her father, an engineer, and her mother, a doctor, have rebuilt their home and reunited their family after 10 years of exile in Pakistan due to civil war and invasion. Madina goes to school, tutors a fellow student in computer usage, plays chess with her father and uncle, and has a snowbal