Mazher Mahmood is seemingly unstoppable, despite his doubters. Then shockingly the News of the World closes amid national scandal. But Mahmood is a survivor. He joins a new paper and sets up an undercover sting on British pop star, Tulisa, aimed at exposing her as a Class A drug dealer. But there’s a twist in the tale as the fake sheikh finds himself in the headlines and on trial.
Mazher Mahmood er umulig at stoppe på trods af hans kritikere, indtil News of the World pludselig lukker midt i en national skandale. Men Mahmood er en overlever. Han bliver ansat på en ny avis og igangsætter en undercover-operation om den britiske popstjerne Tulisa for at afsløre hende som pusher. Men alting vendes på hovedet, da den falske sheik pludselig selv anklages og ender på forsiden.