In the small town of Genin, citizens from all over the Merry Sea gather to celebrate the new year. Four adventurers come together to compete for the festival's grand prize but discover more than what they bargained for...
In the small town of Genin, Goblins attack from nearly every direction, our heroes hurry to stop them and save the lives of the townsfolk!
The party discovers unsettling news about the nearby Goblins and must return to Genin to share the news...
The Party begins their venture West, but find themselves caught in the middle of haunting puzzles, traps, and over powering dangers.
The Party, still in the haunted mansion, has to battle the evil Hag and escape the magical house or die and forever be trapped in it.
Our Heroes learn that someone is actively looking for Ash! Who is this person? What do they want? Did Ash do something before we met him?
In the middle of the night, The Party is magically sent to the North Pole to help San-Tah with a very important mission, retake the North pole.
Our Heroes continue to follow the river West, to find out what is wrong with the Cold Spring.
Heading West, our party is faced with a Manticore & Ogres while riding on the back of a giant turtle.
After the battle, our party seeks to rest and heal.
The Party works on some needed self care, but also finally arrive at the trading depot...
The Party learns more about a stranger by camping with him.
After a creepy night and a great breakfast, the party heads to the well.
The Party battles their way through Cultists to get to the well!
This game is canon, everyone is playing a new character that hasn't been seen before, and will exist in the world of the main campaign. A one-shot episode for Extra Life charity.