In the year 2051, Ryu Suzaku worked as a police detective and got into an accident whilst a mission, got incurably hurt and put into artificial coldsleep. 150 years later he is rehabilitated and given a new live by the military forces. He works secretly for the "Milky Way Police" in order to capture a criminal organization that wants to get hands on the extremely high F-Zero Grand-Prix-Money. Ryu has suddenly lost his own life. However, Zoda, the criminal that caused the accident a 150 years ago, is revived in this time and Ryu, who knows about his secret moves he is using, now for the second time, now in the F-Zero-Races, decided to participate for his squad. While continuously fighting the cruel races, Ryu also says good bye to his former life!
- F-Zero: Falcon Densetsu
- F-Zero: The Legend of Falcon
2051年、リュウ スザクは凶悪犯罪者ゾーダを追っていた際に事故で重傷を負い、150年間コールドスリープされていた。2201年に目覚めたリュウは、時を同じくしてゾーダがダークミリオンの元で目覚めたことを知り、因縁に決着を付けるため高機動小隊に参加し、ダークミリオンとの戦いに身を投じる…。
En l'an 2051, le jeune Ryu Suzaku est placé en sommeil cryogénique après un terrible accident. 150 ans plus tard, il se réveille à Mute-City puis intègre une division de lutte contre la criminalité grandissante, criminalité qui n'est que le résultat d'un sport de course d'un nouveau genre : le F-zéro.