The premiere of the reality series about four young tastemakers in New York. First up: Kamie visits Eny, who's just moved into a new apartment; the crew prepares for the New York Glam Ball; and Savannah books a photoshoot.
Eny discusses her relationship issues with Kamie; Stephon confronts his former boyfriend; Kamie's biological father contacts her; and Savannah performs at Birdland Jazz Club in front of her family and friends.
Eny is overcome with emotions at a birthday party for Kamie's sister; Kamie plans her mom's 50th birthday party without help; and Steph decides about Kevin.
Kamie talks with her mother about her biological father's overtures; and the gang heads to the Dominican Republic, where Savannah has too much fun at the club.
In the Dominican Republic, tensions erupt between Steph and Savannah during dinner; Steph comes out to his father; and Eny turns to the crew to help Kamie with her business pitch
Steph tries to mediate the tension between Kamie and Kevin, but things escalate out of control when she brings Eny in for backup; the crew prepares for Kamie's sleepwear launch; Savannah hits the dance