Each half-hour episode focuses on a single subject in the field of natural science, such as the Solar System or the various functions of the human body. The information is presented in the "Eyewitness Museum", a computer-generated science museum. Various exhibits are shown, and stock video footage is usually seen through large windows or other depressions in the wall. The book series and the show share a striking visual style making notable use of the color white. During the newly produced content (as opposed to stock footage) a background is almost never used in favor of a stark white backdrop, presumably to make the presented object stand out better. In addition, almost every episode features a "Hero". The Hero is a character or object which drives the action of the show and is continually referred back to. These include the weather-vane chicken from Weather, the claymation baby Tyrannosaurus from Dinosaur, the paper boat from Pond and River, and the robotic Human mime artist from Human Machine.
Cada episódio de meia hora se concentra em um único assunto no campo das ciências naturais, tais como o Sistema Solar ou as várias funções do corpo humano. A informação é apresentada no "Eyewitness Museum", um museu de ciências gerado por computador. Várias exposições são mostradas, e vídeos geralmente são vistos através de grandes janelas ou outras depressões na parede.