We know you feel so alone, so full of dread. Good news: now you can customize your own ad experience. Plus! Faking sick, mask-making, losing your virginity to "Faces of Death," and an overnight bus ride through Silicon Valley.
Your personalized Digital Video Jockey brings you the hottest, wettest viral content the web has to offer.
Dedicated to the memory of Blockbuster Video, 1985-2013. Plus! Tamagotchis in the singularity, weaponized Big Macs, Facebook prostitution, a live webstream of your own birth, and nude jet packing.
Here's a new game you can play with your friends after school.
We're throwing this episode a birthday party and hey guess what you're the guest of honor.
Uh oh... something's wrong with your favorite personalized ADVJ.
Take a break. You deserve it.
The producers of The Eyeslicer have hidden your "soul mate" somewhere deep inside this episode.
We've heard your complaints loud and clear, and now we're proud to present our new 100% family friendly TV show.
In the action-packed season finale, the cast and crew of The Eyeslicer receive some shocking news.