This highly acclaimed, classic documentary on Alacatraz - "The Rock" - is unique not only for the history it provides, but also because of the people profiled. Viewers will witness the last documented interview of Clarence Carnes, the last survivor of the 1946 Riot-Blastout; Robert Guilford, who recounts his frightening arrival on the island; and Alvin Francis "Creepy Karpis" Karpowicz, who associated with the Barker Gang and was the last "public enemy" to be captured, an event that helped make J. Edgar Hoover and the FBI nationally known. Reverend James Tupy, a former prison Chaplain, shares his perspective of what it was like for prisoners isolated on the island in the middle of San Francisco Bay; Frank Heaney, the youngest guard in the prison's history, also describes his feelings about working in such a bleak place. Also we hear from Joab Pacilla, the only Spanish-speaking guard on the island in the 1950s, and Joline Babya, the daughter of the Associate Warden in 1962, who lived on the island as a child.
Name | Type | Role | |
Mark Richmond | Writer | ||
Mark Richmond | Director |