Hey guys, This is just a little program we've decided to finally get off the ground. We'd love any and all viewer feedback.
Join Vinny for a relaxing night-time jog to finish off a long day!
Join Evan on his quick trip to the organic section of our supermarket and for our small chat about late-night snacking and dreaming.
The HYBRID Team fools around with some of the more peculiar ways to get some cardio activity into your life.
Sorry guys for the confusion - we had to re-upload this video, so this took our last video's place, number-wise! Keep up with us, HYBRIDS!
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Today Evan and Jeff try to steal the thunder of our regular (ruggedly handsome) host. We follow them to our local food mart and they gather ingredients for our Santa Fe Chicken salad.
No worries HYBRIDs, we'll be back.
We're back, HYBRIDS. Sorry for the delay - things got a little messy getting all of these clips together, etc. etc. It was a beautiful day in Central Jersey!
Coming next week - we subject ourselves to odd sleeping conditions and act as guinea pigs, for your entertainment and health knowledge! Stay tuned.
The same day the last two videos were uploaded, a tumblr blog known as "CANYOUSEETHEWORDS" made their first post.
We fielded some more questions, did a quick catch up, showed off some of Jeff's bling on his desk, and fought off a usomadtroll.
The second post on the blog CANYOUSEETHEWORDS.
Vince and Jeff stay up for two days straight.
The conclusion to our sleeping and dreams special. See you soon, HYBRIDS.
Moving in.
No description available.
While throwing around Ideas Vin had a good idea to get food, that's when we found the strangest birthday card for him uploaded for the lolz and to give a sneak peak at future videos with meditation. -Evan EDIT: I'm amazed that Evan took the time to use a computer, let alone edit our video info. -Jeff
Box #1 was found at N 40 18.310 W 074 41.097.
An important post.
The second livestream.
Evan and Vin discuss some very basic concepts of general / unarmed self defense.
The winner of the EverymanHYBRID promotion contest.
A second important CANYOUSEETHEWORDS post
The third video shared to CANYOUSEETHEWORDS
Third Livestream
The fourth video post on the CANYOUSEETHEWORDS blog
No description available.
Box #2 was found at the coordinates +40°15'44.57" -74°38'52.94".
Sorry we didn't get this out sooner.
And thus the roadtrip continues. Maybe I'd think of something poetic, but I have to keep moving. I have to do this alone. And now.
No description available.
Sorry for the delay guys, but me and Evan have been trying to make heads or tails of this video we found on the flash drive that we assumed Jeff left behind as some sort of clue. We're not sure what it is but its creepy to say the least, the whole thing is one clip, and says it was all taken at the time of the Day in the Life video... We're getting more questions than answers it seems but we're not giving up on Jeff
Heading back up north, soon. I'll share the postcard with you soon. Maybe you guys will be able to make sense of it. You know "clues" aren't actually trying to be helpful when they're written in such a cryptic way, huh. It's just someone enjoying messing with you. And nothing more.
Me telling you what you will see in the future. Yes, this video will be boring, but don't let that fool you. The sights you will behold, the scenes you will witness... PREPARE YOURSELVES! Enjoy ;)
Third important CANYOUSEETHEWORDS post.
He's still a little sensitive. Just trying to lighten things up. And by the way, I apologized afterwards
Fourth important CANYOUSEETHEWORDS post.
We have been working on a full-out "catch up" video. However, as we began wrapping it up, we realized just how... unnecessary and boring a ten minute video of us sitting at a desk could be for some people. I'll see what we can do and perhaps we'll save a final version of a straight-forward recap. If we do, we'll post a download link here and you can do with it what you will. (Rapidshare, etc.) Sorry if this information was a let down. Other, more important, things have happened. Take from it what you will. I don't think this was where the postcard was supposed to be sending us. (You're all welcome to troll Twitter's #HYBRID to try to help us out.) We love you, HYBRIDs. I know we'll find her. Soon. -Jeff
Alex's third video.
Twitter interaction between CANYOUSEETHEWORDS and Jeff.
CANYOUSEETHEWORDS. She's innocent. Jeff's too frustrated to figure it out.
Eh not really action packed, just wanted to post a video, and tell you briefly whats in stored for you
The fifth important CANYOUSEETHEWORDS post.
"Congratulations Magus!.avi" is the "prize" won by Unfiction user Magus00 for his winning entry in the advertisement contest mentioned in Self Defense.
No description available.
Box 3 was found at the coordinates N 40.301407, W -074.873561, in Titusville, NJ, near Baldpate Mountain.
A set of deleted tweets.
followed the yellow brick road to my crawl space. Maybe some evidence of rodent activity. Wound finally closed up, gonna let it breath over night. Annihilation is in the future!
The Bag (previously thought to be Box #4) was found at N 40 53.879, W -075 45.726, outside Jim Thorpe, PA.
CANYOUSEETHEWORDS posts a confession
Second set of deleted tweets.
I guess this is the "land of ashen waste" -- hooray, HYBRIDS, we solved the damned postcard-puzzle. She's gone. I've failed her. [J]
"VID00006.MP4" is the sixth video posted on Alex's WickedStickyAlex channel.
still a little shaken. It's not sparky. It was gone before i even looked back up
On November 9th, 2010, "evilcactus" receives the following material in the mail.
No description available.
A hidden message.
I'm so sorry for missing these signs, Alex. I know she wouldn't want me to ignore your troubles and I would never want to as your brother. I'm not going to let anything take you. I'm sorry I was so fucking stupid. Thank you, HYBRIDS. -Jeff
I had the oppritunity to spend an afternoon in Princeton with the members of EverymanHYBRID. We had a great time and I'm looking forward to hanging out with them again.
The first HYBRID meet up, on November 21st, 2010. Only one dude showed up, but we thank you so much, TheGreenFeathers. The day went incredibly great, until we got a call.
We're all registered now. (Apparently, RABBITS#002-004). I didn't want my brother to register, not until we know exactly what it is. (SEVENTRIALSOFHABIT@GMAIL.COM) Daniel visited the memorial site with us and was kind enough to lend us his camera, hence the night-vision. Thank you, HYBRIDS. [J]
The first set of tweets in the SEVENTRIALSOFHABIT
The Fourth Livestream
We're going to have the run-down list here. Email us at everymanHYBRID@gmail.com or send us a message through YouTube. We don't mind which, really. I guess Gmail's better for a discussion, though. Viewers (our fellow HYBRIDs) have "attached" their videos to this page, as well. I would recommend watching the "video responses" below. Hope to hear from you soon, HYBRIDs. [J]
the shell of the first gun I ever fired. my dad took jeff and I shooting years ago. we went skeet shooting at an old farm.
On December 3rd, 2010, "bebravenow" receives the following material in the mail.
Isn't she the sweetest? We're probably wanted for something at this point. Thank goodness we're under the ploy of "Everyman" and "Damsel," eh? Check the Twitter for an upcoming... request? We have our ally now, maybe she can "show us" a few things that have gone unnoticed. [J]
The second set of tweets in the SEVENTRIALSOFHABIT
Jeff posts an audio recording to twitter
The third set of tweets in the SEVENTRIALSOFHABIT
The fifth CANYOUSEETHEWORDS video posted to the blog.
Yes. We had a brief run-in. A blocked number called Vin's cell and mumbled something about "keeping Mittens warm." Mittens was Vince's family cat and had passed away a few years ago (six). The call ticked us off so we checked out the spot behind Vin's house, just into the woods, where they had buried the cat. As you can see, we found some somewhat-fresh blood, obviously not belonging to the previously buried cat. It's grave was tarnished; we returned the next morning to fix it. (And no, Evan did not charge this time. However, we all spent that weekend with flu-like symptoms.) We also later confronted Stephanie about the saved message on her phone. She was going to tell us. I can understand why she was afraid to mention it. In my eyes, it's simply closure. Happy new year, whatever that means. Hell, we're still breathing and mostly smiling. -Jeff
Fifth Livestream
The fourth set of tweets in the SEVENTRIALSOFHABIT
Thank you, viewer oops_ur_dead for reminding me. This was on the same USB that contained "78of76.avi" - until recently, this video wouldn't play and was deemed corrupted. On oops' recommendation, I checked again and it played "normally." -Jeff
One of the Rabbits posts their trial video
The first bit is self explanatory. We thought... maybe it could work. Thank you, Ben, for your help. For trying. But I don't believe those three seconds of disjointed clips are what everyone's been referencing, eh. After trying to figure out what exactly happened, we decided that the camera fell off its surface, hit the ground, and recorded a black screen for eight minutes. In the meanwhile, we... were "influenced" by something and received various wounds. We don't remember speaking those bits of discussion or know what the conversation was from. The word "doctor" stood out. I'll upload the file on our mediafire account. See if it works for you. Look for the link on Twitter. Thank you, HYBRIDs, for everything. But we don't know what to fucking to do. We're going to look for some facts. Some hard evidence. One thing at a time. [J]
The fifth set of tweets in the SEVENTRIALSOFHABIT
This was the video we talked about in last week's live broadcast. Obviously, we got home alright, Vin picked us up no problem. I don't know how we got there. Alex's room is... normal. Again. (Normal?) Something made a path for that damn thing to get out. That crawlspace sure as hell didn't continue on when we moved in. Shortly before we sealed off the room, you'll remember that something messed with my cache of "what-in-the-hell" letters, concerning a particular doctor. That piece of paper (that I found in Alex's room on our return) was the "clue" that taunted me in Centralia, that was missing until now. I still don't know what it means. Time will tell. Alex and I are safe (maybe that's why it was so damn quiet this whole time). The others are just fine, too. Thanks for sticking it out with us, HYBRIDs. We're going to be looking for some answers. Very soon. [J]
My various gifts for completing the first round. I knew you wouldn't renege on me, HABIT.
The letter in the box
I'll keep you guys posted via Twitter. Not much else to do at the moment. The lull of winter, at its best, eh. [J]
Information on the fifth trial
"41.121226, -75.321847 MAKE HASTE, RABBITS." The coordinates point a forest outside Memory Town, PA a place mentioned in the Corenthal letters.
The following is a presentation of what was written in the copy of the Everyman playbook found in Box 5. And what was written in relation to the actual Everyman play.
Tweets leading up to Jessie's connection
After the whole ordeal, we grabbed everything we could and left. We have a lot to sort through. And Vin's fine, by the way. But Evan's final statement sums up my feelings on the matter. (Jessie opened the damn door with no problem moments after. She had no idea what we were talking about.) -Jeff EDIT: Despite what Jeff says I am not fine I've got a headache that hasn't let up since last night. That and the fact that we saw that man....who I can only guess was the doctor. Has left us all a bit scared and puzzled. We have to keep pushing forward. -V
I did this interview with the Hybrids, sans Evan, almost a week or two ago. Thank God, Jessie's back and fine from what it seems. I was quite worried there. -H
hello again, small clip of my gig, had to cut half the song for time sake
A collection of tweets and posts from CANYOUSEETHEWORDS
Optimism only leads to let downs. [J]
Notes about Microfilm, tweets and Glenn's Email
Posts from CANYOUSEETHEWORDS and an email about Trial 6
A sequence of videos from Rabbit #52.
This is the envelope I received in the mail. The contents are Milo related. I think it's starting again.
The sixth important CANYOUSEETHEWORDS post.
What we've been doing for the last two months. [J] also, funny thing is Jessie and I were testing out fake blood on my shirt the night before. guess we didn't need it. [E]
No description provided.
Compilation of information.
i think jeff will understand. [E] UPDATE: Well, fuck. [J]
The final set of tweets in the SEVENTRIALSOFHABIT
A post on CANYOUSEETHEWORDS and a tweet from Noah.
Firstly sorry for the bit of the hiatus we have had lately. It is hard to keep all you hybrids up to date with everything that we have working on. We are trying our best. We wanted to see if there were any parallels in our findings. it seems there were a few more than we were comfortable with. We obviously haven't even scratched the surface but there is something going on that is bigger than we thought. just watch. -Vince
The gang tweets for Halloween.
No description available.
No description available
A few minutes of our gift exchange at our Christmas party. Happy holidays.
No description posted.
We had moral issues with uploading this part of the video, but decided we should show it. I'm sure you understand. Jessie, we're so sorry. [V]
No description available.
No description available.
Three friends, two parents, two loved ones, two strangers, two coworkers, a brother, his dog, and still no resolution.
No description available.
No description available.
On May 8th at 8:34 p.m. HABIT tweeted "DON'T TELL VINNY" using the main EMH twitter account. It was accompanied by a photo of Jeff.
More information from box 6.
I went to follow up on the lead that Jeff found hoping to find something. Now I almost wish I hadn't. All I have is this letter to show for it. [V]
They're all gone. Everyone except for you guys. I'm not going to stop. And if I go next, just don't forget us. [V]
They're all gone. [V]
No description available.
Working backwards.
I was sent a letter on December 24th. This is what happened after I opened it. Part 1 of 2.
Here is the rest of the footage I took on December 24th, part 2 of 2. Nothing makes sense anymore, but then again, did it ever?
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We might have guests.
Come. Get. Him.
No description available.
I am still sorting through all the footage but wanted to let you know I am alright and with Evan for the time being. Good news is I think I have control of the channel again. I'll share what I have soon. -V
A collection of content.
I am finally able to reach out. The internet in the apartment seems to be unblocked. Still unable to edit the footage from that night at Jeff's but working on it tonight.
as promised.
No description available.
There is no description for this video.
More information
8 years.
There is no description for this video.
Your go-to source for the happy & healthy lifestyle on a budget!
Your go-to source for the happy & healthy lifestyle on a budget!
Your go-to source for the happy & healthy lifestyle on a budget!
Your go-to source for the happy & healthy lifestyle on a budget!
Your go-to source for the happy & healthy lifestyle on a budget!
Rabbit #061 (Discord user DixieWolf) checked her closet and found Box #7, a briefcase. The combination was set to 704, and the briefcase opened right away.
Your go-to source for the happy & healthy lifestyle on a budget!
Noah shares his Corenthal letter.
Here is the footage that I filmed while traveling up north. While up there, I tried to see my Grandpa Karl again, but to no avail. I also went to see the guys who run the EverymanHybrid channel in New Jersey due to many people messaging me that the envelope I received was related to them somehow.
Contents of the PDF.