Andy leidet noch immer unter dem angespannten Verhältnis zu Nina und ist kaum mehr in der Lage, gute Miene zum bösen Spiel zu machen. Das liegt nicht nur daran, dass er nach wie vor in Nina verliebt ist, sondern hat auch damit zu tun, dass er ihren neuen Freund Jake - auch auf beruflicher Ebene ein Rivale - für einen ausgesprochen unangenehmen Menschen hält.
Während die Zusammenarbeit von Andy und Harold immer besser wird, quälen Harold private Sorgen: Er kommt einfach nicht damit klar, dass seine Frau Rose seit ihrer langsamen Genesung voller Leidenschaft steckt und das Leben in vollen Zügen genießen will...
As if adjusting to college life and the news that her secret crush, Reid (guest star Justin Baldoni), is gay weren't enough to handle, Amy learns that Ephram is going to be a regular fixture in her life now that he's moved in with Bright and Reid. Meanwhile, Andy, Nina and Jake attempt to move on with life after Nina decides which man she loves---which is Jake. Bright and Ephram take Hannah to a college party.
Andy gets involved in a case dealing with 17-year old Ethan Harcourt who is on anti-depressants since his older brother's car accident and death, but now wants to be intimate with his current girlfriend. Although, the anti-depressants he is taking is causing erectile dysfunction for him and tries to coerce Andy in letting him have Viagra. Ethan wants to keep all of this a secret from his girlfriend and family who don't know about his situation.
Andy wavers that he's too young but Ethan doesn't listen and purchases medication online that inevitably ends him up in the hospital after
Nel tentativo di mantenere in vita la sua relazione con Bright, Hannah decide di seguire il suo ragazzo ad una festa del college piuttosto movimentata, dove lui dà il meglio di sé con grande stupore e preoccupazione di Hannah. Andy, dopo aver accettato la decisione di Nina di amare Jake, decide di provare ad essere amico della donna come un tempo, ma si scontra con un Jake molto arrabbiato, il quale, dopo aver saputo la storia del bacio e della dichiarazione d'amore, mette in guardia il Dr. Brown. Ephram prova a riavvicinarsi ad Amy, la quale sta iniziando a rompere la barriera protettiva che si era costruita attorno.
Andy trata al joven Ethan Harcourt, un joven en tratamiento con antidepresivos tras la muerte de su hermano. Ahora, Ethan tiene novia y quiere mantener relaciones sexuales con ella. Los antidepresivos le provocan disfunción eréctil, y pide al doctor Brown que le recete Viagra. Andy le aconseja que hable con su novia, pero Etahn se niega y acaba pidiendo Viagra a través de Internet.
Mientras, Nina sigue viviendo con Jake y Andy empieza a similar que la ha perdido.