Cerise Hood has successfully kept her family secret hidden under lock and key. But when Kitty Ceshire catches her up to some unusual activity in the woods, she tries to unravel her secret like a ball of yarn in front of the school.
Briar Beauty associe ses connaissances en Science et Sortilèges avec ses talents d'organisatrice de soirées inoubliables afin que tout le monde réussisse l'examen du Professeur Rumplestiltskin.
Cerise revela seu segredo mais profundo e sombrio para Raven: ela é filha de Chapeuzinho Vermelho e do Big Badwolf. No entanto, a brincalhona Kitty ouve, e quando ela ameaça revelar o segredo de Cerise, Raven intervém para ajudar.