حلقة #1: يتم القبض على عادل أثناء هروبه بالمطار، وتحاول زوجته أن تسحب كل أمواله من البنك ولكن يتم الحجز عليها، ويطلب عادل من ضابط الشرطة أن يتصل بشريكه أبو فوزي حتى يساعده في قضيته، وتتولى بدرية رعاية أشقاءه الصغار.
Adel is arrested while fleeing the airport, and his wife tries to withdraw all his money from the bank but is detained. Adel asks the police officer to contact his partner Abu Fawzi so that he can help him with his case, and Badria takes care of his younger brothers.