Escape & Control begins with a search for Omer Gershon.
Jon Ronson speaks with Wendell Potter - former CIGNA Vice President of corporate communications
Jon Ronson continues the search for Omar Gershon...
Jon Ronson looks into the recent Arab Spring revolution that took place in Egypt.
Jon Ronson meets Patrice Wilson, the mastermind behind the YouTube music hit 'Friday'.
Jon Ronson meets the creators of some twitter bots.
Jon Ronson discovers a twitter spam bot with the username Jon_Ronson.
Jon Ronson is contacted again by Patrice Wilson.
Jon Ronson meets the creators of the twitter spambot 'Jon_Ronson'.
Jon Ronson investigates a company called Atos.
Jon Ronson meets Friday's creator Patrice Wilson again, to make a new song...
Jon Ronson tracks down Omer Gershon.
Jon Ronson introduces us to the song 'Tuesday' featuring Patrice Wilson.