Ablasının öldürülmesinin intikamını alma arzusuyla yanan Demirhan ailesinin varisi, diğer yanda tüm hayatı boyunca esaret altında yaşamış olan öldürüldüğünü sanmaktadır. Ablası masum olmasına rağmen.
وريث عائلة دميرهان (أورهون) الذي يحترق برغبة في الانتقام من قتل أخته ، وعلى الجانب الآخر هناك (حراء) التي عاشت طوال حياتها تحت العبودية ، يعتقد (أورهون) أنها قتلت أخته رغم أنها بريئة.
Orhun is a successful businessman who was raised in a wealthy but loveless family along with his twin sister Nihan, younger sister Nurşah and their cold, distant mother Afife. Some time ago, Nihan left to do volunteer work as a doctor in Eritrea, but recently she has been impossible to contact, and her family is worried about her. Orhun decides to go after his twin sister and bring her back home. While looking for his sister, he comes across Hira, a poor girl living the life of a prisoner at the hands of traffickers. When they find out that Nihan has been poisoned and killed by a local gang, Orhun breaks down. When it emerges that it was actually Hira who was set up by the gang and poisoned his sister, Orhun hatches an evil revenge plan: he will take Hira home with him, but rather than saving her from life as a prisoner he will make things even worse for her.
דרמה רומנטית המספרת על איש עסקים מצליח, שנוסע לאפריקה בכדי להשיב את אחותו שנהרגה במסתוריות. במסעו לשם הוא פוגש בשפחה נמלטת יפהפיה, בה הוא חושד ברצח אחותו וחוזר איתה משם עם צורך עז בנקמה.