When you don't care what an NPC has to say and just want the reward. It's hard being an NPC.
Greg the garlic farmer has noticed something peculiar about Baelin... he only seems to say one thing... "Morning! Nice day for fishing, ain't it?"
It must be really weird for an NPC when players go AFK.
Breastplate on men vs women in games
When a player bumps into an NPC.
When an NPC falls in love and a player wants their achievement. Who makes these achievements anyway?
Morning! Nice day for fishing!
Now that we've wrapped up the first season of Epic NPC man, here is a peek at all the shenanigans that went on behind the scenes.
It's amazing the crap that we hold onto in video games.
You know those extremely rare items in video games? Just how rare are they?
Typical Skyrim guard.
This female warrior is determined to get proper Breastplate of Argon.
The miraculous healing property of a wheel of cheese in video games like Skyrim.
When a player has no concept of personal space.
What's that then!? There's someone prowling 'round here!
The feather that broke the camel's back.
Another season down! Here is a peak at some of the crazy stuff that goes on behind the scenes.
SEASON 3 TRAILER!!!! - Epic NPC Man | Viva La Dirt League (VLDL) Presented as a parody of the Full House main title sequence
What happens when a child plays a game
Healing in the middle of combat
Fire physics in games
Forgetting to mute your mic
Well, it has the same HP as the male armour so...
How do you turn the volume down!?!?
It's Xmas time! So naturally it's time for a Xmas texture update!
It must be really weird for NPC's when someone changes the texture pack of their world. Must be especially weird when they change it to the one true god Nic Cage!
Enough of these lowly side quests! Let's get on with the Main Quest!
Never kick a chicken in MMO games - Skyrim, Zelda, video game logic humor.
Every season of epic NPC man has to come to an end. But boy do we have fun making this shit. Behind the scenes and uncut mmmm
Stealing in front of a guard in RPG's can be hard. You have to make sure these Skyrim guards don't see you. Who would have thought that bucket would become so handy.
Ever get the feeling that things are repeating themselves in World of Warcraft? Skyrim? When the game developers are just copy pasting towns with a few tweaks or changes... Well, welcome to Darkwood...
In World of Warcraft are you Horde or Alliance? Perhaps peace is possible? Perhaps not... Trolls gon Troll.
Our female warrior is given a VERY important task, and while doing so Greg the NPC discovers something very odd about rats, loot, and rewards.
Don't you hate it when your ping spikes and you lag out? Rubberbanding is the worst. Must be even weirder for an NPC to witness and even become part of.
It's strange how those important quest items just kinda pop up out of nowhere. Must suck to be a minor NPC in big MMO games.
Dying in games and collecting your items
On April 28 at 1:00am PDT, Blizzard is doing an awesome event within World of Warcraft (For 24 Hours). Go up to any town guard and give them a /salute to receive a special guard costume.
Honeywood is under attack. A cyber attack! It's being hacked! Welcome to the town of My Dick!
Balloon Rides are coming to World of Warcraft on the 10th of May (Starting at 1am PDT for 24 hours).
It's time that men and women were treated the same in games...
You only see the good takes normally. Well here are the bad takes lol
There's a mysterious shadowy man who needs an important letter delivered... It is of the utmost importance...
This adventurer wants to craft the very complex Set of ARGON!
This Warcraft player wants to cook some food and just doesn't care.
Someone has discarded a log.
Did you know that Skycraft has it's own version of Gwent? It's even better than Hearthstone. Can you figure out the rules?
You're a girl.
Here's another peak behind the curtain of filming Epic NPC Man. This one strangely includes a lot of ASMR... It's a little bit sexual.
Bodger is now a quest giver... and it's gotten to his head.
Greg the garlic farmer has started to notice something odd...
For some people the game isn't finished until every single side quest is complete.
It's amazing the things you can craft in video games.
Greg the garlic farmer has been poisoned!!!
It's time for an escort quest! Welcome to the retro 8 bit world of Skycraft!
Our adventurer discovers the EA paywall...
Epic NPC Man Season Six behind the scenes. We know seasons are meaningless to you but just deal with it.
Greg the garlic farmer may have just lost the plot...
This fair maiden has finally been escorted home!
Meditation is best done in solitude.
This adventurer is sentenced to death!
Say NO to bullies!
This hero has an incredible journey ahead of them.
Some weird stuff goes on in the starting area for Skycraft...
See that rotten rabbit meat on the ground there? Just leave it.
There's something off about the town guard today.
Bodger wants to make amends with Greg.
There's a lot of heroes and only one NPC giving the quests...
He's been waiting to do this for a long time...
When you're in the hardest dungeon in the game and need supplies...
Never under estimate the power of the light!
How to woo an NPC...
Season eight behind the scenes. Not that seasons means anything to you lol
Muggers gonna mug
It can mean only one thing...
This is a helpless girl who has never played this game before
Greg the garlic farmer has just returned from an amazing quest and doesn't feel so good....
With Battle For Azeroth launched this week in World of Warcraft - Skycraft is having an expansion too. The world of Azerim will be changed forever.
NPCs have feelings. Bullying is not okay.
Ever wondered how fast travel in RPG's actually happens?
When player names get out of control. These gamer tags are silly and this NPC is having none of your silly skyrim or warcraft gamer names!
We've all run past an NPC in Witcher, Skyrim, World of Warcraft or any other RPG where some NPCs just really need to calm down!
Bodger the blacksmith has a new sponsorship deal and Greg the Garlic farmer isn't impressed!
The muggers are at it again! But this time must contend with the Watchers magical charm powers of charisma. Skyrim, World of Warcraft, RPG madness!
This NPC needs the help of a brave adventurer. The situation is very urgent! Good luck adventurer!
Muggers gon mug... but would they mug their own grandma?
When the characters are all mixed up
Sit down, grab some popcorn and get ready for a mini marathon of Epic NPC Man.
A bunch of bloopers and behind the scenes from our last few seasons of filming
The loot lust is real!
Eugene needs a brave adventurer to take flowers to his wife's grave
This is what is must look like when an NPC is dealing with two different instances at the same time. Man, what a tough act!
After an unforgettable adventure, could their friendship be turning into true love?
When your on an escort quest but the NPC is just the worst
This adventurer needs to hurry the f*** up.
The Watcher is one of the most powerful warriors in all the land... This guard probably took an arrow to the knee.
This legendary sword has been handed down to Greg by his grandfather...
Rogues are annoying Trolls and griefers in all MMOs
Saving the world can be quite expensive
Health potion logic
What happens when you skip the cutscenes.
This woodcutter has a simple life and he's never been questioned about it before...
To lift the curse this brave adventurer must extinguish the Flame of Darkness! But first he must get past the gate keeper!
When it comes to getting a new skill... would you trust this NPC?
This adventurer as wandered too far from the main quest and come across a very high level bandit.
Those long unskippable cut scenes that you're forced to watch in games.
Do you keep your horse in the stables? Or in your horse pocket?
It's amazing what a ring of charisma can do!
Wanna see a whole bunch on Epic NPC Man with like maaaybe only one ad in the middle?! Well then we have a bargain for you!
There's some sort of glitch that's causing a repeating loop. Can these NPCs escape it?
This shop relies on the trade of honest adventures.
The spell 'Holy Fire' takes years of practice and dedication. Or you can just press C...
Low on health and running out of options? No problem just pause and figure out a plan...
Eugene has a large sum of money and needs protection.
With WoW Classic comes a lot of memories, a lot of nostalgia – and it might even mean bumping into old friends…
You'd be surprised at what a bandit will mug.
Follow quests are infuriating at the best of times. But when the NPC blocks your way... phoar...
What streaming on Twitch actually looks like.
Games are better when there's no challenge - Fact
Sit down, grab some popcorn and watch some of our best NPC sketches to date :)
Greg the garlic farmer has had enough of your shit...
When a game malfunctions - Eugene the NPC is on Fire!
Quick Save is very useful but beware the perils of over using it
Legend has it that the entrance to the secret tomb is hidden somewhere in the cliffs of honeywood
We're joining the movement alongside Mr Beast and Team Trees to help plant twenty million trees. Every dollar donated equals one tree planted! It's your world too!
Is there anything that these muggers wont mug?
Scamming noobs is an art form. Sarah's gonna get such a big surprise!
The difference between aiming with a mouse and a controller is worlds apart. Cross play is pretty unfair...
You know those times where the cutscene starts in a place it wasn't supposed to...awkward.
This ones a particularly good season I recon
Holy Nova is a great healing spell... but the healing light is just a little too bright.
Video games strategically use blocked paths to keep you out of unwanted areas in their game... but what if you could get around the fallen log?
The problem with bright magic spells in video games.
his poor merchant barely has enough money to feed his family let alone buy stuff!
The muggers are mugging a wagon. Not the driver... the actual wagon
The worst kind of escort quest
When game choices make no difference
Multiple ways to complete a quest.
You ever wonder where loot chests in games come from?
Muggin a Kickstarter.
You never know where you'll find love.
Epic NPC man super cut including: Holy Nova, Blocked Path, Magic, Poor Merchant, Mugging a wagon, Stealth, Choices, Stealth Optional, Chest, Mugging a kickstarter, Girlfriend.
That unique anxiety when danger music plays but no enemies are near...
Ben has finally finished the quest and is ready to claim his reward.
There are two types of players in The Witcher...
This NPC doesn't understand the rules of cutscenes...
Rowan is level 59 and he needs to be level 60.
We have to learn the controls somehow, but still...
Being forced to do stupid quests.
You never know when the main quest will strike.
Taking on multiple escort quests sounds like a super efficient way to get quests done!
Sometimes game developers don't have time to work on specific NPCs... What you're left with is, well, this...
Trying to figure out the weak spot on a enemy boss usually isn't hard.
Epic NPC Man Supercut including: Danger Music, Reward, Preparation (The Witcher), Provoked, Level Up (too low level), Training, Fishing, Side quest, multi escort, Bad Acting, Weak Spot.
Sharing loot in games ended many friendships.
The death of gaming is when it feels like work.
Protecting your partner as they learn a new game. Aww...
When stupid NPC guards can't figure out what's killing them. What could have done this?!
Fooling a mugger NPC with an invisibility ring.
Taunt logic in video games is kind of weird when you think about it.
Using NPCs as cannon fodder is an evil but effective plan.
These two muggers have figured out the perfect scam.
Charles and Bernard meet their mugger rivals Richard and Alfred.
Some times video games really try to guide you through the problem.
What's more important, reward or reputation?
Levelling up in the middle of a boss fight is literally the perfect time.
When a game tries to give you all the tutorials at once.
Loot rush, The Grind, Guardian, Perception, Mugging Air, Taunt, Cannon Fodder, Mugger Scam, Mugger vs Mugger, Clues, Payment, Level Up, Combat Tips
Finding the quest item too soon.
Showing off video game cosmetics
Clicking the wrong button
Return to Darkwood
Worst pre-battle speech ever
When another player gets the last hit
Insanely popular video game dances
Insensitively looting dead bodies
When your character never speaks
Stealing your followers loot
Lazy adventurers in video games
It's all in there
Odd things you need for crafting
Accidentally selling your best gear
Bards are kind of useless in combat
Getting drunk in games
Trying to romance an NPC
World ending video game spells
Annoying hostage rescue in games
Taking photos in games
Being carried is boring
How to mug a mugger
When a death knight does side quests
What streaming looks like
Annoying playable cutscenes
Sentient video game characters
Strange Witcher quest music
Silent hero genius
When style is important
NPC acting lessons
Combat training in games
Buying in game gold
All the following eps from season 29: Death Knight, Twitch Viewers, Quick Time Events, Self Aware, NPC Choir, Battle Plan, Vanity Stats, Death Scene, Mentor, Gold Farmer
Children in video games
Life of a completionist
Realizing you're not the only hero
Completing a horrifying quest
Leaving an escort quest unfinished
Cut-scene VS Game-play
Trying to keep a good reputation
Using an NPC for their money
Being forced to say nice things
Why you don't fight NPC's
When you haven't played in months
When the game holds your hand
Frustrating game design
Grossed out by your own job
The problem with going DPS
Disappointing loot on an enemy
Exploiting your follower to carry loot
How lame quests are made
Just get an adventurer to do it
When the boss joins your party
Trying to pat dogs in games
What's better than an episode of Epic NPC Man? A supercut!
Micro-transactions explained
Overselling the quest
Overwhelming RPG mechanics
We're in World of Warships!
The most unlikely Fellowship of the Ring
Party size limits ruin friendships
Imprisoned inside a video game !
When a player turns into an NPC
Arguing about fall damage in games
Grinding through your daily quests
Overpowered from side quests
Crazy RPG logic supercut
How procedural quests are made
Getting overwhelmed by side quests
Those players who really like to immerse themselves...
How can an NPC merchant be in two places at once? Teleporting?
How strangers communicate in games
The shame of reducing the difficulty
When the healer thinks they're DPS
Guard! Can you stop being so useless and actually DEFEND ME!?
When you want the NPC's armor
Breaking up with your follower
Using an NPC menu to avoid combat Want to delay the inevitable? Chat to your local NPC today!
When the controller dies in combat
The problem with being an inventory hoarder
Scraping the bottom of the barrel
Missing an obvious game mechanic
Ever wonder how Speed Runners look to NPC's?
Leave potion making to the professionals.
The horror of playing with inverted controls
Weird animal anatomy in games
Playing a game with R18 settings
Enjoy 10 episodes of yum
What happens if you let an NPC finish their scripted dialogue?
Has an NPC ever been inappropriate with you?
Sexist Armour in games
Skipping the grind with money
Sometimes the options are so horrific there is no right choice
Regretting your class choice in games
Accidentally stealing in games
Loot lust can ruin friendships
Disappointing end game battle
How does all the loot get there ? Ever wonder how loot is scattered all over the map? Here's your answer
Being forced to read in video games
How to team up with an OP guard
The sword is a lie
When the hero character abandons you
Loot addicts need your help
Why can't heroes swim in games ?
Never buy weapons in games
Dealing with people who like to roleplay in RPG's is quite the challenge, until you get to know them.
Child safe mode isn't all sunshine and rainbows.
Never forget about charisma.
Useless Vampire Class - Skycraft has introduced a new Vampire Class... and it's absolutely useless
Finding a female ally in-game
Going all in on charisma stats
Don't disrespect your healer
Some people like to get into that chat instead of actually playing the game. Toxic typers aye...
Some people aren't worth mugging
Playing a bad guy is hard
What VR looks like to NPC's
When an NPC's life gets an update
Video game horses can climb anything
NPC's fighting for a players attention
Can NPC's breakup? Is this it for Fred and Freda?
Compilation of skits about loot in video games #epicnpcman #pubg #witcher
Pausing the game feels OP to an NPC
Playing games on ultra settings. The problem with playing games on ultra settings
Distracted by pets in games
Compilation of the two most stupid muggers in video game history
Best episodes so far. No doubt.
The end of a game leave you feeling a bit empty?
Best of Viva La Dirt League video game logic Part 1
Probably best to just leave them alone
There's a reason everyone goes stealth archer
Don't stay and watch the background action!
What if background NPC's try to take centre stage?
Compilation of skits about boss fights
There are consequences for abandoning side quests
Healing in games compilation
Failing perception makes you feel like SUCH A FAILURE
When Cut Scenes Go Wrong
These are absolutely the best episodes so far. No doubt in my mind.
NPC’s aren’t the sharpest tools in the shed
The beginning of the end?
Their friendship is on THIN ICE
Frenemies part 3 - All good things must come to an end
Supercut of skits about toxic gamers
The greatest Epic NPC Man Compilation of them all
NPC Greg the garlic farmer compilation #alanmorrison
WTF is double jump!?
Some easter eggs in games make you wonder what the hell the devs were thinking
You're supposed to eat everything in video games right...? Even mushrooms?
Girl gamers be like
NPC guards activating the alarm like this should be impossible!
OP camouflage in video games
Selling hacks in video games IS NOT OKAY!!!
Using video games to escape the monotony of day to day life
Palworld and Pokemon feel MIGHTY similar
This Iron has a very low drop rate. So we really wanted to simulate the full experience of grinding away for 10 hours to harvest it! Enjoy!
Best of Viva La Dirt League video game logic part 2
Is friendly fire a thing in this game?
Fires in video games are so realistic.
Compilation of food logic skits
Don't disrupt an NPC when they're on their break
This treasure pile only has HOW MUCH gold??
Stupid blind guard sight lines in games
The stakes are higher in hardcore mode
Step into Esperia, a fantasy world full of magic! Join Rowan to save the village from the evil Gruglin in the brand new fantasy RPG, AFK Journey! Download now: https://bit.ly/VivaLaDirtLeagueAFKJ #AFKJourney #RPG #freetoplay #spon Featuring: Lauren O’Hara Brynley Stent Robert Hartley
What does the Astrologer class even do??
Small talk with NPC's can leave a lot to be desired
Mugging isn't all sunshine and rainbows
Why is everyone so horny !?
When the tank votes to kick the healer
Ben loves his companions to be very free... and naked...
Picking a party in Baldur's Gate 3 means breaking a few hearts
Be careful you stay on the path Adventurer!
There is nothing as rage-inducing as waiting in the spawn queue
Vampire meetings have a tendency to end badly...
Do you dare travel to the glitchy town of Thebesda?
Wont somebody think of the NPCs!?!?
Apparently this is the 50th Epic NPC Man compilation! WHAT?! Some say its our best yet...
Ever meet an NPC who really just isn't that into it?
Did defeating the boss get you the feeling you wanted?
Some quests just kind of suck
Achievements really do tell stories
The danger of using mods in games
Expensive cosmetics in games
Sometimes it feels like you have no control over hoarding in video games
Is there a reason it needs to be this specific time of day???
When NPC's get bored they like to place a little wager
How to take on 100 guards
It's such a beautiful and simple life being a mushroom. You should try it.
Baelin (Rowan Bettjeman), a simple background NPC in the video game 'Skycraft' has been walking the same route for as long as he can remember. However, his peaceful (and mindless) routine is violently shaken as a short-tempered Adventurer (Ben Van Lier) drags him off his path and into a dangerous quest to escort a mysterious NPC girl named Willow (Phoenix Cross) across the harsh world of Azerim.
Compilation of armor and cosmetics skits
Supercut of NPC's getting a rough deal in games
Compilation of funny streamer episodes
Compilation of VLDL's best charisma logic skits
Ben and Rowan have been arguing for many years...
Compilation of guards being weird in games
Compilation of NPC's that know they're inside a video game
Compilation of weird video game romance
Noobs in games be like
For our lovely Legendary Patrons! The support you've given us over the years literally allows us to do what we do at VLDL!