Two years ago, Just abandoned his law studies and severed ties with Rule to uncover the truth behind his parents' murder. Two years later, Rule, now a lawyer, still haunted by Just's disappearance, finally tracks him down to a seedy Gogo Bar, only to find him embroiled in a deadly feud with the Kung gang. But Just isn't alone. The bar is a haven for those consumed by vengeance:Salt, the security guard who always with bloody smell, the runaway teen Tiger, and Ice, the ruthless madam running sexual business for the gang. Each carries the scent of violence, a simmering powder keg waiting to explode. Are you ready to descend into their dark, bloody, and tear-soaked path to retribution?
兩年前,為了追查父母被害的真相,Just毅然決然地離開了Rule,並放棄了法學院的學業。兩年後,Rule成為律師,卻始終無法放下對Just的牽掛,最終在一間Gogo Bar裡找到了Just,卻發現Just已與黑幫Kung結下深仇大恨。
這間Gogo Bar裡,除了Just,還聚集著一群被命運推向復仇邊緣的亡命之徒:總滿血腥味的保安Salt、離家出走的叛逆少年Tiger,以及為黑幫的打理色情事業的酒吧老闆娘Ice。 他們身上都沾染著仇恨的氣息,等待著爆發的時刻。