Kumagai is an art teacher at a private female high school. Sakai, the school's chairman of the board, runs the school like the school is his own property and pays Kumagi a low salary. Then, Music Teacher Naoko and P.E. Teacher Oyamada asks Kumagi to join them in a scheme to blackmail Sakai.
Unexpectedly, Sakai and his girlfriend Akemi go missing. The duo are assumed to be kidnapped by Minowa and Nakao who are education consultants. Meanwhile, Kumagai and Naoko unwittingly become involved in a scheme to steal large amount of gold bars that were hidden by Sakai.
分別教授美術和音樂的熊谷透(森山未來 飾)、正木菜穗子(高畑充希 飾)同為私立晴風女子高中的講師,二人幹活不少,待遇很低,隨時都有被學校開除的危險。某天他們被體育講師小山田(尾上寬之 飾)約出來,後者透露了學校理事長——有“刺蝟”之稱的酒井(桂文珍 飾)黑錢貪污的秘密,並希望二人入夥抨擊理事長以確保他們岌岌可危的教師資格。在此之後,三人跟蹤並綁架了原計畫赴巴黎旅行的刺蝟及其情人朱美(中村友理 飾),可是事後發現小山田實際受曾和刺蝟有業務往來的黑社會掮客(木下ほうか 飾)所指示,企圖攫取更大的利益。熊谷與菜穗子不可避免捲入充滿了陰謀的紛爭之中……